Creating 3D Asset Variations Through 2D Style Transfer and Generated Texture Maps
Ivan Nikolov
Radiance-Based Blender Add-On for Physically Accurate Rendering of Cultural Heritage
Míriam Méndez, Imanol Munoz-Pandiella, and Carlos Andujar
Parameter-Free and Improved Connectivity for Point Clouds
Diana Marin, Stefan Ohrhallinger, and Michael Wimmer
Automatic Molecular Tour Creation: a Study
Vincent Larroque, Maxime Maria, Stephane Mérillou, and Matthieu Montes
Multi-Display Ray Tracing Framework
Luciano Arnaldo Romero Calla, Bipul Mohanto, Renato Pajarola, and Oliver Staadt
Synthetic Dataset for Panic Detection in Human Crowded Scenes
Javier Calle, Peter Leskovsky, Jorge Garcia, and Marti Sanchez
DropSPH: ISPH Simulation of Droplet Interactions with a Solid Surface
Hossein Keshtkar and Nadine Aburumman
Non-Separable Multi-Dimensional Network Flows for Visual Computing
Viktoria Ehm, Daniel Cremers, and Florian Bernard
Sparse Ferguson-Hermite Signed Distance Fields
Róbert Bán and Gábor Valasek

Recent Submissions

  • Sparse Ferguson-Hermite Signed Distance Fields 

    Bán, Róbert; Valasek, Gábor (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    We investigate Hermite interpolation in the context of discrete signed distance field filtering. Our method uses tricubic Hermite interpolation to generate a C1 continuous approximation to the signed distance function of ...
  • EUROGRAPHICS 2023: Posters Frontmatter 

    Singh, Gurprit; Chu, Mengyu (Rachel) (Eurographics Association, 2023)
  • DropSPH: ISPH Simulation of Droplet Interactions with a Solid Surface 

    Keshtkar, Hossein; Aburumman, Nadine (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    We present a physically-based model to simulate droplet behaviours when impacted on a solid surface. Our model creates the coalescence, spreading, and break-up deformations that occur when a liquid droplet collides with a ...
  • Non-Separable Multi-Dimensional Network Flows for Visual Computing 

    Ehm, Viktoria; Cremers, Daniel; Bernard, Florian (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    Flows in networks (or graphs) play a significant role in numerous computer vision tasks. The scalar-valued edges in these graphs often lead to a loss of information and thereby to limitations in terms of expressiveness. ...
  • Synthetic Dataset for Panic Detection in Human Crowded Scenes 

    Calle, Javier; Leskovsky, Peter; Garcia, Jorge; Sanchez, Marti (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    AI is increasingly being used in public protection by using crowd anomaly detection. This is useful for identifying panic events enabling control forces to act faster. A significant challenge in this field is the lack of ...
  • Automatic Molecular Tour Creation: a Study 

    Larroque, Vincent; Maria, Maxime; Mérillou, Stephane; Montes, Matthieu (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    Molecular system visualization is a difficult task even for experts as molecules can contain millions of atoms. Our goal is to create a tool to improve the preliminary study of molecules by automatically creating a tour ...
  • Multi-Display Ray Tracing Framework 

    Romero Calla, Luciano Arnaldo; Mohanto, Bipul; Pajarola, Renato; Staadt, Oliver (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    We present a framework that will provide a highly efficient and scalable multi-display ray-tracing based rendering system capable of utilizing multiple GPU devices to produce high-quality images. Our system integrates ...
  • Parameter-Free and Improved Connectivity for Point Clouds 

    Marin, Diana; Ohrhallinger, Stefan; Wimmer, Michael (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    Determining connectivity in unstructured point clouds is a long-standing problem that is still not addressed satisfactorily. In this poster, we propose an extension to the proximity graph introduced in [MOW22] to ...
  • Radiance-Based Blender Add-On for Physically Accurate Rendering of Cultural Heritage 

    Méndez, Míriam; Munoz-Pandiella, Imanol; Andujar, Carlos (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    Despite the Cultural Heritage and Computer Graphics communities are increasingly joining forces to strengthen their collaboration, the study of how light interacts with monuments (e.g. weathering the surfaces or affecting ...
  • Creating 3D Asset Variations Through 2D Style Transfer and Generated Texture Maps 

    Nikolov, Ivan (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    Generating 3D object variations through style transfer models applied to their textures is an easy way for creating content for games and XR applications. Most workflows focus on either generating albedo textures only ...