Vienna, Austria, September 22 – 23, 2022

Narrative, Education, and Virtual Reality (VR)
Distance Visualizations for Vascular Structures in Desktop and VR: Overview and Implementation
Jan Hombeck, Monique Meuschke, Simon Lieb, Nils Lichtenberg, Rabi Datta, Michael Krone, Christian Hansen, Bernhard Preim, and Kai Lawonn
Is there a Tornado in Alex's Blood Flow? A Case Study for Narrative Medical Visualization
Anna Kleinau, Evgenia Stupak, Eric Mörth, Laura A. Garrison, Sarah Mittenentzwei, Noeska N. Smit, Kai Lawonn, Stefan Bruckner, Matthias Gutberlet, Bernhard Preim, and Monique Meuschke
Learning Anatomy through Shared Virtual Reality
José Juan Reyes-Cabrera, José Miguel Santana-Núñez, Agustín Trujillo-Pino, Manuel Maynar, and Miguel Angel Rodriguez-Florido
Uncertainties, Ensembles, and Comparisons
COMFIS - Comparative Visualization of Simulated Medical Flow Data
Monique Meuschke, Samuel Voß, Pepe Eulzer, Gabor Janiga, Christoph Arens, Ralph Wickenhöfer, Bernhard Preim, and Kai Lawonn
Perceptual Evaluation of Common Line Variables for Displaying Uncertainty on Molecular Surfaces
Anna Sterzik, Nils Lichtenberg, Michael Krone, Douglas W. Cunningham, and Kai Lawonn
Studying the Effect of Tissue Properties on Radiofrequency Ablation by Visual Simulation Ensemble Analysis
Karl Heimes, Marina Evers, Tim Gerrits, Sandeep Gyawali, David Sinden, Tobias Preusser, and Lars Linsen
Understanding the Impact of Statistical and Machine Learning Choices on Predictive Models for Radiotherapy
Ádám Böröndy, Katarína Furmanová, and Renata Georgia Raidou
Segmentation, Registration, and Networks
Polyp-Cavity Segmentation of Cold-Water Corals guided by Ambient Occlusion and Ambient Curvature
Benedikt Schmitt, Jürgen Titschack, and Daniel Baum
MuSIC: Multi-Sequential Interactive Co-Registration for Cancer Imaging Data based on Segmentation Masks
Tanja Eichner, Eric Mörth, Kari S. Wagner-Larsen, Njål Lura, Ingfrid S. Haldorsen, Eduard Gröller, Stefan Bruckner, and Noeska N. Smit
Multi-modal 3D Image Registration Using Interactive Voxel Grid Deformation and Rendering
Thomas Richard, Yan Chastagnier, Vivien Szabo, Kevin Chalard, Brian Summa, Jean-Marc Thiery, Tamy Boubekeur, and Noura Faraj
Visual Analytics, Artificial Intelligence
HistoContours: a Framework for Visual Annotation of Histopathology Whole Slide Images
Khaled Al-Thelaya, Faaiz Joad, Nauman Ullah Gilal, William Mifsud, Giovanni Pintore, Enrico Gobbetti, Marco Agus, and Jens Schneider
Visual Analytics to Assess Deep Learning Models for Cross-Modal Brain Tumor Segmentation
Caroline Magg and Renata Georgia Raidou
A Stratification Matrix Viewer for Analysis of Neural Network Data
Philipp Harth, Sumit Vohra, Daniel Udvary, Marcel Oberlaender, Hans-Christian Hege, and Daniel Baum
Understanding Graph Convolutional Networks to detect Brain Lesions from Stroke
Ariel Iporre-Rivas, Gerik Scheuermann, and Christina Gillmann
Predicting, Analyzing and Communicating Outcomes of COVID-19 Hospitalizations with Medical Images and Clinical Data
Oliver Stritzel and Renata Georgia Raidou

Recent Submissions

  • A Stratification Matrix Viewer for Analysis of Neural Network Data 

    Harth, Philipp; Vohra, Sumit; Udvary, Daniel; Oberlaender, Marcel; Hege, Hans-Christian; Baum, Daniel (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
    The analysis of brain networks is central to neurobiological research. In this context the following tasks often arise: (1) understand the cellular composition of a reconstructed neural tissue volume to determine the nodes ...
  • Predicting, Analyzing and Communicating Outcomes of COVID-19 Hospitalizations with Medical Images and Clinical Data 

    Stritzel, Oliver; Raidou, Renata Georgia (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
    We propose PACO, a visual analytics framework to support the prediction, analysis, and communication of COVID-19 hospitalization outcomes. Although several real-world data sets about COVID-19 are openly available, most of ...
  • Understanding Graph Convolutional Networks to detect Brain Lesions from Stroke 

    Iporre-Rivas, Ariel; Scheuermann, Gerik; Gillmann, Christina (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
    Brain lesions derived from stroke episodes can result in disabilities for a patient. Therefore, the segmentation of brain lesions is an important task in neurology. Recently this task has been mainly tackled by machine ...
  • Visual Analytics to Assess Deep Learning Models for Cross-Modal Brain Tumor Segmentation 

    Magg, Caroline; Raidou, Renata Georgia (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
    Accurate delineations of anatomically relevant structures are required for cancer treatment planning. Despite its accuracy, manual labeling is time-consuming and tedious-hence, the potential of automatic approaches, such ...
  • HistoContours: a Framework for Visual Annotation of Histopathology Whole Slide Images 

    Al-Thelaya, Khaled; Joad, Faaiz; Gilal, Nauman Ullah; Mifsud, William; Pintore, Giovanni; Gobbetti, Enrico; Agus, Marco; Schneider, Jens (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
    We present an end-to-end framework for histopathological analysis of whole slide images (WSIs). Our framework uses deep learning-based localization & classification of cell nuclei followed by spatial data aggregation to ...
  • Multi-modal 3D Image Registration Using Interactive Voxel Grid Deformation and Rendering 

    Richard, Thomas; Chastagnier, Yan; Szabo, Vivien; Chalard, Kevin; Summa, Brian; Thiery, Jean-Marc; Boubekeur, Tamy; Faraj, Noura (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
    We introduce a novel multi-modal 3D image registration framework based on 3D user-guided deformation of both volume's shape and intensity values. Being able to apply deformations in 3D gives access to a wide new range of ...
  • MuSIC: Multi-Sequential Interactive Co-Registration for Cancer Imaging Data based on Segmentation Masks 

    Eichner, Tanja; Mörth, Eric; Wagner-Larsen, Kari S.; Lura, Njål; Haldorsen, Ingfrid S.; Gröller, Eduard; Bruckner, Stefan; Smit, Noeska N. (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
    In gynecologic cancer imaging, multiple magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sequences are acquired per patient to reveal different tissue characteristics. However, after image acquisition, the anatomical structures can be ...
  • Polyp-Cavity Segmentation of Cold-Water Corals guided by Ambient Occlusion and Ambient Curvature 

    Schmitt, Benedikt; Titschack, Jürgen; Baum, Daniel (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
    The segmentation of cavities in three-dimensional images of arbitrary objects is a difficult problem since the cavities are usually connected to the outside of the object without any difference in image intensity. Hence, ...
  • Studying the Effect of Tissue Properties on Radiofrequency Ablation by Visual Simulation Ensemble Analysis 

    Heimes, Karl; Evers, Marina; Gerrits, Tim; Gyawali, Sandeep; Sinden, David; Preusser, Tobias; Linsen, Lars (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
    Radiofrequency ablation is a minimally invasive, needle-based medical treatment to ablate tumors by heating due to absorption of radiofrequency electromagnetic waves. To ensure the complete target volume is destroyed, ...
  • Understanding the Impact of Statistical and Machine Learning Choices on Predictive Models for Radiotherapy 

    Böröndy, Ádám; Furmanová, Katarína; Raidou, Renata Georgia (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
    During radiotherapy (RT) planning, an accurate description of the location and shape of the pelvic organs is a critical factor for the successful treatment of the patient. Yet, during treatment, the pelvis anatomy may ...
  • COMFIS - Comparative Visualization of Simulated Medical Flow Data 

    Meuschke, Monique; Voß, Samuel; Eulzer, Pepe; Janiga, Gabor; Arens, Christoph; Wickenhöfer, Ralph; Preim, Bernhard; Lawonn, Kai (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
    Simulations of human blood and airflow are playing an increasing role in personalized medicine. Comparing flow data of different treatment scenarios or before and after an intervention is important to assess treatment ...
  • Perceptual Evaluation of Common Line Variables for Displaying Uncertainty on Molecular Surfaces 

    Sterzik, Anna; Lichtenberg, Nils; Krone, Michael; Cunningham, Douglas W.; Lawonn, Kai (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
    Data are often subject to some degree of uncertainty, whether aleatory or epistemic. This applies both to experimental data acquired with sensors as well as to simulation data. Displaying these data and their uncertainty ...
  • Is there a Tornado in Alex's Blood Flow? A Case Study for Narrative Medical Visualization 

    Kleinau, Anna; Stupak, Evgenia; Mörth, Eric; Garrison, Laura A.; Mittenentzwei, Sarah; Smit, Noeska N.; Lawonn, Kai; Bruckner, Stefan; Gutberlet, Matthias; Preim, Bernhard; Meuschke, Monique (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
    Narrative visualization advantageously combines storytelling with new media formats and techniques, like interactivity, to create improved learning experiences. In medicine, it has the potential to improve patient understanding ...
  • Distance Visualizations for Vascular Structures in Desktop and VR: Overview and Implementation 

    Hombeck, Jan; Meuschke, Monique; Lieb, Simon; Lichtenberg, Nils; Datta, Rabi; Krone, Michael; Hansen, Christian; Preim, Bernhard; Lawonn, Kai (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
    The role of expressive surface visualizations in rendering vascular structures has seen an increased impact over the last years. Surface visualizations provide an overview of complex anatomical structures and support ...
  • Learning Anatomy through Shared Virtual Reality 

    Reyes-Cabrera, José Juan; Santana-Núñez, José Miguel; Trujillo-Pino, Agustín; Maynar, Manuel; Rodriguez-Florido, Miguel Angel (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
    Virtual reality (VR) is a powerful tool for educational purposes. In this work, we present a VR application for learning anatomy, focusing on the cardiac system in this early stage. Our application proposes that medical ...
  • Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine: Frontmatter 

    Renata G. Raidou; Björn Sommer; Torsten W. Kuhlen; Michael Krone; Thomas Schultz; Hsiang-Yun Wu (The Eurographics Association, 2022)