Scientific Convergence and Divergence in Visualization and Visual Analytics
Jiangen He
GDot-i: Interactive System for Dot Paintings of Graphs
Peter Eades, Seok-Hee Hong, Martin McGrane, and Amyra Meidiana
Digital Twins of Smart Farms
Yuhang Zhao, Zheyu Jiang, Shanchen Pang, and Zhihan Lv
Automatic Segmentation of Tooth Images: Optimization of Multi-parameter Image Processing Workflow
Giovani Bressan Fogalli, Sérgio Roberto Peres Line, and Daniel Baum
Explorative Visual Analysis of Spatio-temporal Regions to Detect Hemodynamic Biomarker Candidates
Adrian Derstroff, Simon Leistikow, Ali Nahardani, Mahyasadat Ebrahimi, Verena Hoerr, and Lars Linsen
Visually Explaining Publication Ranks in Citation-based Literature Search with PURE Suggest
Fabian Beck and Cedric Krause
Visualizing the Evolution of Multi-agent Game-playing Behaviors
Shivam Agarwal, Shahid Latif, Aristide Rothweiler, and Fabian Beck
Visual Exploration of Genetic Sequence Variants in Pangenomes
Astrid van den Brandt, Eef M. Jonkheer, Dirk-Jan M. van Workum, Sandra Smit, and Anna Vilanova
Interactive Visualization of Machine Learning Model Results Predicting Infection Risk
Steffen Schäfer, Tom Baumgartl, Antje Wulff, Arjan Kuijper, Michael Marschollek, Simone Scheithauer, and Tatiana von Landesberger
A Design Space for Explainable Ranking and Ranking Models
Ibrahim Al Hazwan, Jenny Schmid, Madhav Sachdeva, and Jürgen Bernard
Visual Queries on Bipartite Multivariate Dynamic Social Networks
Alexis Pister, Christophe Prieur, and Jean-Daniel Fekete
MOBS - Multi-Omics Brush for Subgraph Visualisation
Dries Heylen, Jannes Peeters, Gökhan Ertaylan, Jef Hooyberghs, and Jan Aerts
A Mental Workload Estimation for Visualization Evaluation Using EEG Data and NASA-TLX
Soobin Yim, ChanYoung Yoon, Sangbong Yoo, and Yun Jang
Validating Perception of Hyperspectral Textures in Virtual Reality Systems
Francisco Díaz-Barrancas, Halina Cwierz, Raquel Gil-Rodríguez, and Pedro J. Pardo
Situated Visualization in Motion for Video Games
Federica Bucchieri, Lijie Yao, and Petra Isenberg
Using Data Comics to Enhance Visualization Literacy
Magdalena Boucher, Christina Stoiber, and Wolfgang Aigner
Accurate Molecular Atom Selection in VR
Elena Molina and Pere-Pau Vázquez
Context Specific Visualizations on Smartwatches
Alaul Islam, Tanja Blascheck, and Petra Isenberg
Visual Exploration of Preference-based Routes in Ski Resorts
Julius Rauscher, Matthias Miller, and Daniel A. Keim
Visualizing Prediction Provenance in Regression Random Forests
Nicolas Médoc, Vasile Ciorna, Frank Petry, and Mohammad Ghoniem
Toward an Interaction-Driven Framework for Modeling Big Data Visualization Systems
Dario Benvenuti, Giovanni Fiordeponti, Hao Cheng, Tiziana Catarci, Jean-Daniel Fekete, Giuseppe Santucci, Marco Angelini, and Leilani Battle
ANARI: ANAlytic Rendering Interface
Kevin Griffin, Jefferson Amstutz, Dave DeMarle, Johannes Günther, Jakob Progsch, William Sherman, John E. Stone, Will Usher, and Kees van Kooten
PSEUDo: Interactive Pattern Search in Multivariate Time Series with Locality-Sensitive Hashing and Relevance Feedback
Yuncong Yu, Dylan Kruyff, Jiao Jiao, Tim Becker, and Michael Behrisch
Exploration and Analysis of Image-base Simulation Ensembles
Mai Dahshan, Terece L. Turton, and Nicholas Polys
Visualizing Similarities between American Rap-Artists
Christofer Meinecke, Jeremias Schebera, Jakob Eschrich, and Daniel Wiegreffe
Interactive Attribution-based Explanations for Image Segmentation
Christina Humer, Mohamed Elharty, Andreas Hinterreiter, and Marc Streit
VisualBib(va): A Visual Analytics Platform for Authoring and Reviewing Bibliographies
Antonina Dattolo, Marco Corbatto, and Marco Angelini
Visualization Challenges of Variant Interpretation in Multiscale NGS Data
Emilia Ståhlbom, Jesper Molin, Claes Lundström, and Anders Ynnerman
Sustainable Urban Wastewater Treatment Visualizations
Juan Marin Vega, Nerea Uri-Carreño, Jakob Kusnick, and Stefan Jänicke
A Case Study on Implementing Screen Reader Accessibility in Dynamic Visualizations
Rita Costa, Beatriz Malveiro, João Palmeiro, and Pedro Bizarro
On Visualizing Music Storage Media for Modern Access to Historic Sources
Richard Khulusi and Heike Fricke
Enhancing Evaluation of Room Scale VR Studies to POI Visualizations in Minimaps
Batoul Ajdadilish, Steffi Kohl, and Kay Schröder
Chord2DS: An Extension to Chord Diagram to Show Data Elements from Two Heterogeneous Data Sources
Shah Rukh Humayoun and Likhitha Brahmadevara
Parameter Sensitivity and Uncertainty Visualization in DTI
Faizan Siddiqui, Thomas Höllt, and Anna Vilanova

Recent Submissions

  • Parameter Sensitivity and Uncertainty Visualization in DTI 

    Siddiqui, Faizan; Höllt, Thomas; Vilanova, Anna (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
    Diffusion Tensor Imaging is a powerful technique that provides a unique insight into the complex structure of the brain's white matter. However, several sources of uncertainty limit its widespread use. Data and modeling ...
  • On Visualizing Music Storage Media for Modern Access to Historic Sources 

    Khulusi, Richard; Fricke, Heike (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
    Finding a balance between conserving historic objects and using them for research is one of the big issues in historic collections. Digitization holds the opportunity to offer a safe and non-destructible access to historic ...
  • Chord2DS: An Extension to Chord Diagram to Show Data Elements from Two Heterogeneous Data Sources 

    Humayoun, Shah Rukh; Brahmadevara, Likhitha (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
    The standard Chord diagram, a radial layout, shows data elements in a circular fashion from one data source. In this paper, we propose an extension to the standard Chord diagram to show data elements from two heterogeneous ...
  • Enhancing Evaluation of Room Scale VR Studies to POI Visualizations in Minimaps 

    Ajdadilish, Batoul; Kohl, Steffi; Schröder, Kay (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
    Understanding and evaluating user behavior in virtual reality environments is challenging for researchers. Stereoscopic perception is highly dependent on the point of view, so it is necessary to account for multiple spatial ...
  • A Case Study on Implementing Screen Reader Accessibility in Dynamic Visualizations 

    Costa, Rita; Malveiro, Beatriz; Palmeiro, João; Bizarro, Pedro (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
    Millions of people worldwide work in jobs where assessing dynamic data presented visually to them is a key part of their tasks. Since the data is only represented in a visual format, these occupations are out of reach for ...
  • Interactive Attribution-based Explanations for Image Segmentation 

    Humer, Christina; Elharty, Mohamed; Hinterreiter, Andreas; Streit, Marc (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
    Explanations of deep neural networks (DNNs) give users a better understanding of the inner workings and generalizability of a network. While the majority of research focuses on explanations for classification networks, in ...
  • Visualization Challenges of Variant Interpretation in Multiscale NGS Data 

    Ståhlbom, Emilia; Molin, Jesper; Lundström, Claes; Ynnerman, Anders (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
    There is currently a movement in health care towards precision medicine, where genomics often is the central diagnostic component for tailoring the treatment to the individual patient. We here present results from a domain ...
  • Sustainable Urban Wastewater Treatment Visualizations 

    Vega, Juan Marin; Uri-Carreño, Nerea; Kusnick, Jakob; Jänicke, Stefan (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
    The handling and treatment of urban wastewater are essential to protecting human health and the environment. However, its existence and importance are mostly invisible to the general public. In this work, we present a set ...
  • VisualBib(va): A Visual Analytics Platform for Authoring and Reviewing Bibliographies 

    Dattolo, Antonina; Corbatto, Marco; Angelini, Marco (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
    Researchers are daily engaged in bibliographic tasks concerning literature search and review, both in the role of authors of scientific papers and when they are reviewers or evaluators. Current indexing platforms poorly ...
  • Visualizing Similarities between American Rap-Artists 

    Meinecke, Christofer; Schebera, Jeremias; Eschrich, Jakob; Wiegreffe, Daniel (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
    Rap music is one of the biggest music genres in the world today. Since the early days of rap music, references not only to pop culture but also to other rap artists have been an integral part of the lyrics' artistry. In ...
  • Exploration and Analysis of Image-base Simulation Ensembles 

    Dahshan, Mai; Turton, Terece L.; Polys, Nicholas (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
    Scientists run simulation ensembles to study the behavior of a phenomenon using varying initial conditions or input parameters. However, the I/O bottlenecks hinder performing large-scale multidimensional simulations. In ...
  • PSEUDo: Interactive Pattern Search in Multivariate Time Series with Locality-Sensitive Hashing and Relevance Feedback 

    Yu, Yuncong; Kruyff, Dylan; Jiao, Jiao; Becker, Tim; Behrisch, Michael (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
    We present PSEUDo, a visual pattern retrieval tool for multivariate time series. It aims to overcome the uneconomic (re- )training with deep learning-based methods. Very high-dimensional time series emerge on an unprecedented ...
  • ANARI: ANAlytic Rendering Interface 

    Griffin, Kevin; Amstutz, Jefferson; DeMarle, Dave; Günther, Johannes; Progsch, Jakob; Sherman, William; Stone, John E.; Usher, Will; Kooten, Kees van (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
    The ANARI API enables users to build the description of a scene to generate imagery, rather than specifying the details of the rendering process, providing simplified visualization application development and cross-vendor ...
  • Toward an Interaction-Driven Framework for Modeling Big Data Visualization Systems 

    Benvenuti, Dario; Fiordeponti, Giovanni; Cheng, Hao; Catarci, Tiziana; Fekete, Jean-Daniel; Santucci, Giuseppe; Angelini, Marco; Battle, Leilani (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
    Designing big data visualization applications is challenging due to their complex yet isolated development. One of the most common issues is an increase in latency that can be experienced while interacting with the system. ...
  • Visualizing Prediction Provenance in Regression Random Forests 

    Médoc, Nicolas; Ciorna, Vasile; Petry, Frank; Ghoniem, Mohammad (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
    Random forest models are widely used in many application domains due to their performance and the fact that their constituent decision trees carry clear decision rules. Yet, the provenance of the predictions made by an ...
  • Context Specific Visualizations on Smartwatches 

    Islam, Alaul; Blascheck, Tanja; Isenberg, Petra (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
    We present an analysis of the results of a full-day context-specific ideation exercise for smartwatch visualizations. Participants of the exercise created 34 sketches during a sightseeing activity. Our analysis of these ...
  • Visual Exploration of Preference-based Routes in Ski Resorts 

    Rauscher, Julius; Miller, Matthias; Keim, Daniel A. (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
    Ski resorts exhibit a variety of available pistes and lifts, to which every skier has intrinsic preferences. While novices tend to favor easy pistes, experts might opt for more advanced pistes. In large resorts, the vast ...
  • Accurate Molecular Atom Selection in VR 

    Molina, Elena; Vázquez, Pere-Pau (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
    Accurate selection in cluttered scenes is complex because a high amount of precision is required. In Virtual Reality Environments, it is even worse, because it is more difficult for us to point a small object with our arms ...
  • Using Data Comics to Enhance Visualization Literacy 

    Boucher, Magdalena; Stoiber, Christina; Aigner, Wolfgang (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
    Visualization Literacy as a skill is becoming important, as growing amounts of data require complex ways of visualizing and interpreting them. Yet, it is hardly taught during general education, and not many resources ...
  • Situated Visualization in Motion for Video Games 

    Bucchieri, Federica; Yao, Lijie; Isenberg, Petra (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
    We contribute a systematic review of situated visualizations in motion in the context of video games. Video games produce rich dynamic datasets during gameplay that are often visualized to help players succeed in a game. ...

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