Now showing items 21-22 of 22

    • Improved Lighting Models for Facial Appearance Capture 

      Xu, Yingyan; Riviere, Jérémy; Zoss, Gaspard; Chandran, Prashanth; Bradley, Derek; Gotardo, Paulo (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
      Facial appearance capture techniques estimate geometry and reflectance properties of facial skin by performing a computationally intensive inverse rendering optimization in which one or more images are re-rendered a large ...
    • Simple Techniques for a Novel Human Body Pose Optimisation Using Differentiable Inverse Rendering 

      Battogtokh, Munkhtulga; Borgo, Rita (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
      Human body 3D reconstruction has a wide range of applications including 3D-printing, art, games, and even technical sport analysis. This is a challenging problem due to 2D ambiguity, diversity of human poses, and costs in ...