Now showing items 1-3 of 3
A Halfedge Refinement Rule for Parallel Loop Subdivision
(The Eurographics Association, 2022)
We observe that a Loop refinement step invariably splits halfedges into four new ones. We leverage this observation to formulate a breadth-first uniform Loop subdivision algorithm: Our algorithm iterates over halfedges to ...
Scene Synthesis with Automated Generation of Textual Descriptions
(The Eurographics Association, 2022)
Most current research on automatically captioning and describing scenes with spatial content focuses on images. We outline that generating descriptive text for a synthesized 3D scene can be achieved via a suitable intermediate ...
NeuralMLS: Geometry-Aware Control Point Deformation
(The Eurographics Association, 2022)
We introduce NeuralMLS, a space-based deformation technique, guided by a set of displaced control points. We leverage the power of neural networks to inject the underlying shape geometry into the deformation parameters. ...