EG 2022 - Full Papers - CGF 41-Issue 2
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Rendering I
Progressive Denoising of Monte Carlo Rendered Images
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Learning for Rendering
Dressi: A Hardware-Agnostic Differentiable Renderer with Reactive Shader Packing and Soft
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Real-time Virtual-Try-On from a Single Example Image through Deep Inverse Graphics and
Learned Differentiable Renderers
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Learning from Shader Program Traces
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Computational Photography
ZoomShop: Depth-Aware Editing of Photographic Composition
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Learning a Self-supervised Tone Mapping Operator via Feature Contrast Masking Loss
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Modeling and Editing I
Gradient Terrain Authoring
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Deep Reconstruction of 3D Smoke Densities from Artist Sketches
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Interactive Editing of Discrete Chebyshev Nets
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Animation and Motion Capture
Compact Facial Landmark Layouts for Performance Capture
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CAST: Character labeling in Animation using Self-supervision by Tracking
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MoCo-Flow: Neural Motion Consensus Flow for Dynamic Humans in Stationary Monocular Cameras
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Appearance and Shading
MaterIA: Single Image High-Resolution Material Capture in the Wild
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OutCast: Outdoor Single-image Relighting with Cast Shadows
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Human Animation and Topology
Shape Transformers: Topology-Independent 3D Shape Models Using Transformers
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Dynamic Combination of Crowd Steering Policies Based on Context
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The 3D Motorcycle Complex for Structured Volume Decomposition
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Constrained Remeshing Using Evolutionary Vertex Optimization
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Procedural Roof Generation From a Single Satellite Image
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Semantic Segmentation in Art Paintings
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Meshlets and How to Shade Them: A Study on Texture-Space Shading
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Modeling and Editing II
Automatic Differentiable Procedural Modeling
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Differentiable 3D CAD Programs for Bidirectional Editing
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Physics Simulation
A-ULMPM: An Adaptively Updated Lagrangian Material Point Method for Efficient Physics
Simulation without Numerical Fracture
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Coupling 3D Liquid Simulation with 2D Wave Propagation for Large Scale Water Surface
Animation Using the Equivalent Sources Method
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Fast and Exact Root Parity for Continuous Collision Detection
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Rendering II
Neural Precomputed Radiance Transfer
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Volumetric Multi-View Rendering
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Recursive Analytic Spherical Harmonics Gradient for Spherical Lights
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Learning Spectral Unions of Partial Deformable 3D Shapes
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Coverage Axis: Inner Point Selection for 3D Shape Skeletonization
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Vectorizing Line Drawings of Arbitrary Thickness via Boundary-based Topology Reconstruction
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Fiblets for Real-Time Rendering of Massive Brain Tractograms
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Z2P: Instant Visualization of Point Clouds
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3D Printing, Fabrication
Closed Space-filling Curves with Controlled Orientation for 3D Printing
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Computational Design of Self-Actuated Surfaces by Printing Plastic Ribbons on Stretched
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Worst-Case Rigidity Analysis and Optimization for Assemblies with Mechanical Joints
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Simulation of Clothes and Crowds
Interaction Fields: Intuitive Sketch-based Steering Behaviors for Crowd Simulation
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Computational Design of Kinesthetic Garments
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N-Cloth: Predicting 3D Cloth Deformation with Mesh-Based Networks
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