Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Axes Bundling and Brushing in Star Coordinates 

      Rave, Hennes; Molchanov, Vladimir; Linsen, Lars (The Eurographics Association, 2021)
      Visual analysis of multidimensional data commonly involves dimensionality reduction to project the data samples into a lowerdimensional visual space. Star coordinates (SC) provide a means to explore the multidimensional ...
    • CoSi: Visual Comparison of Similarities in High-Dimensional Data Ensembles 

      Heim, Anja; Gröller, Eduard; Heinzl, Christoph (The Eurographics Association, 2021)
      Comparative analysis of multivariate datasets, e.g. of advanced materials regarding the characteristics of internal structures (fibers, pores, etc.), is of crucial importance in various scientific disciplines. Currently ...
    • EMCA: Explorer of Monte Carlo based Algorithms 

      Ruppert, Lukas; Kreisl, Christoph; Blank, Nils; Herholz, Sebastian; Lensch, Hendrik P. A. (The Eurographics Association, 2021)
      Debugging or analyzing the performance of global illumination algorithms is a challenging task due to the complex path-scene interaction and numerous places where errors and programming bugs can occur. We present a novel, ...
    • Visualizing Temporal-Thematic Patterns in Text Collections 

      Knabben, Moritz; Baumann, Martin; Blascheck, Tanja; Ertl, Thomas; Koch, Steffen (The Eurographics Association, 2021)
      Visualizing the temporal evolution of texts is relevant for many domains that seek to gain insight from text repositories. However, existing visualization methods for text collections do not show fine-grained temporal-thematic ...