Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    • Elastic Tree Layouts for Interactive Exploration of Mentorship 

      Yan, Xin Yuan; Ma, Yi Fang (The Eurographics Association, 2021)
      Mentorship is an important collaborative relationship among scholars. The existing tools to visualize it mainly suffer from a waste of space, lack of overview representation, and less displayed attribute information. To ...
    • Online Study of Word-Sized Visualizations in Social Media 

      Huth, Franziska; Awad-Mohammed, Miriam; Knittel, Johannes; Blascheck, Tanja; Isenberg, Petra (The Eurographics Association, 2021)
      We report on an online study that compares three different representations to show topic diversity in social media threads: a word-sized visualization, a background color, and a text representation. Our results do not ...
    • SimBaTex: Similarity-based Text Exploration 

      Witschard, Daniel; Jusufi, Ilir; Kerren, Andreas (The Eurographics Association, 2021)
      Natural language processing in combination with visualization can provide efficient ways to discover latent patterns of similarity which can be useful for exploring large sets of text documents. In this poster abstract, ...
    • Towards a Collaborative Experimental Environment for Graph Visualization Research in Virtual Reality 

      Heidrich, David; Meinecke, Annika; Schreiber, Andreas (The Eurographics Association, 2021)
      Graph visualization benefit from virtual reality (VR) technology and a collaborative environment. However, implementing collaborative graph visualizations can be very resource consuming and existing prototypes cannot be ...
    • Unfolding Edges for Exploring Multivariate Edge Attributes in Graphs 

      Bludau, Mark-Jan; Dörk, Marian; Tominski, Christian (The Eurographics Association, 2021)
      With this research we present an approach to network visualization that expands the capabilities for visual encoding and interactive exploration through edges in node-link diagrams. Compared to the various possibilities ...