Now showing items 121-140 of 231

    • Boundary Objects in Design Studies: Reflections on the Collaborative Creation of Isochrone Maps 

      Vuillemot, Romain; Rivière, Philippe; Beignon, Anaëlle; Tabard, Aurélien (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2021)
      We propose to take an artifact-centric approach to design studies by leveraging the concept of boundary object. Design studies typically focus on processes and articulate design decisions in a project-specific context with ...
    • Visual Analysis of Spatio-temporal Phenomena with 1D Projections 

      Franke, Max; Martin, Henry; Koch, Steffen; Kurzhals, Kuno (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2021)
      It is crucial to visually extrapolate the characteristics of their evolution to understand critical spatio-temporal events such as earthquakes, fires, or the spreading of a disease. Animations embedded in the spatial context ...
    • Design Space of Origin-Destination Data Visualization 

      Tennekes, Martijn; Chen, Min (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2021)
      Visualization is an essential tool for observing and analyzing origin-destination (OD) data, which encodes flows between geographic locations, e.g., in applications concerning commuting, migration, and transport of goods. ...
    • A Deeper Understanding of Visualization-Text Interplay in Geographic Data-driven Stories 

      Latif, Shahid; Chen, Siming; Beck, Fabian (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2021)
      Data-driven stories comprise of visualizations and a textual narrative. The two representations coexist and complement each other. Although existing research has explored the design strategies and structure of such stories, ...
    • Hornero: Thunderstorms Characterization using Visual Analytics 

      Diehl, Alexandra; Pelorosso, Rodrigo; Ruiz, Juan; Pajarola, Renato; Gröller, M. Eduard; Bruckner, Stefan (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2021)
      Analyzing the evolution of thunderstorms is critical in determining the potential for the development of severe weather events. Existing visualization systems for short-term weather forecasting (nowcasting) allow for basic ...
    • Visual Analysis of Electronic Densities and Transitions in Molecules 

      Masood, Talha Bin; Thygesen, Signe Sidwall; Linares, Mathieu; Abrikosov, Alexei I.; Natarajan, Vijay; Hotz, Ingrid (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2021)
      The study of electronic transitions within a molecule connected to the absorption or emission of light is a common task in the process of the design of new materials. The transitions are complex quantum mechanical processes ...
    • SenVis: Interactive Tensor-based Sensitivity Visualization 

      Yang, Haiyan; Ballester-Ripoll, Rafael; Pajarola, Renato (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2021)
      Sobol's method is one of the most powerful and widely used frameworks for global sensitivity analysis, and it maps every possible combination of input variables to an associated Sobol index. However, these indices are often ...
    • Leveraging Topological Events in Tracking Graphs for Understanding Particle Diffusion 

      McDonald, Torin; Shrestha, Rebika; Yi, Xiyu; Bhatia, Harsh; Chen, De; Goswami, Debanjan; Pascucci, Valerio; Turbyville, Thomas; Bremer, Peer-Timo (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2021)
      Single particle tracking (SPT) of fluorescent molecules provides significant insights into the diffusion and relative motion of tagged proteins and other structures of interest in biology. However, despite the latest ...
    • Daisen: A Framework for Visualizing Detailed GPU Execution 

      Sun, Yifan; Zhang, Yixuan; Mosallaei, Ali; Shah, Michael D.; Dunne, Cody; Kaeli, David (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2021)
      Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) have been widely used to accelerate artificial intelligence, physics simulation, medical imaging, and information visualization applications. To improve GPU performance, GPU hardware designers ...
    • SumRe: Design and Evaluation of a Gist-based Summary Visualization for Incident Reports Triage 

      Kakar, Tabassum; Qin, Xiao; La, Thang; Sahoo, Sanjay K.; De, Suranjan; Rundensteiner, Elke A.; Harrison, Lane (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2021)
      Incident report triage is a common endeavor in many industry sectors, often coupled with serious public safety implications. For example, at the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), analysts triage an influx of incident ...
    • A Visual Designer of Layer-wise Relevance Propagation Models 

      Huang, Xinyi; Jamonnak, Suphanut; Zhao, Ye; Wu, Tsung Heng; Xu, Wei (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2021)
      Layer-wise Relevance Propagation (LRP) is an emerging and widely-used method for interpreting the prediction results of convolutional neural networks (CNN). LRP developers often select and employ different relevance ...
    • Learning Contextualized User Preferences for Co-Adaptive Guidance in Mixed-Initiative Topic Model Refinement 

      Sperrle, Fabian; Schäfer, Hanna; Keim, Daniel; El-Assady, Mennatallah (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2021)
      Mixed-initiative visual analytics systems support collaborative human-machine decision-making processes. However, many multiobjective optimization tasks, such as topic model refinement, are highly subjective and ...
    • VisEvol: Visual Analytics to Support Hyperparameter Search through Evolutionary Optimization 

      Chatzimparmpas, Angelos; Martins, Rafael M.; Kucher, Kostiantyn; Kerren, Andreas (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2021)
      During the training phase of machine learning (ML) models, it is usually necessary to configure several hyperparameters. This process is computationally intensive and requires an extensive search to infer the best ...
    • iQUANT: Interactive Quantitative Investment Using Sparse Regression Factors 

      Yue, Xuanwu; Gu, Qiao; Wang, Deyun; Qu, Huamin; Wang, Yong (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2021)
      The model-based investing using financial factors is evolving as a principal method for quantitative investment. The main challenge lies in the selection of effective factors towards excess market returns. Existing approaches, ...
    • Accessible Visualization: Design Space, Opportunities, and Challenges 

      Kim, Nam Wook; Joyner, Shakila Cherise; Riegelhuth, Amalia; Kim, Yea-Seul (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2021)
      Visualizations are now widely used across disciplines to understand and communicate data. The benefit of visualizations lies in leveraging our natural visual perception. However, the sole dependency on vision can produce ...
    • Public Data Visualization: Analyzing Local Running Statistics on Situated Displays 

      Coenen, Jorgos; Moere, Andrew Vande (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2021)
      Popular sports tracking applications allow athletes to share and compare their personal performance data with others. Visualizing this data in relevant public settings can be beneficial in provoking novel types of opportunistic ...
    • Thin-Volume Visualization on Curved Domains 

      Herter, Felix; Hege, Hans-Christian; Hadwiger, Markus; Lepper, Verena; Baum, Daniel (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2021)
      Thin, curved structures occur in many volumetric datasets. Their analysis using classical volume rendering is difficult because parts of such structures can bend away or hide behind occluding elements. This problem cannot ...
    • Compressive Neural Representations of Volumetric Scalar Fields 

      Lu, Yuzhe; Jiang, Kairong; Levine, Joshua A.; Berger, Matthew (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2021)
      We present an approach for compressing volumetric scalar fields using implicit neural representations. Our approach represents a scalar field as a learned function, wherein a neural network maps a point in the domain to ...
    • Local Extraction of 3D Time-Dependent Vector Field Topology 

      Hofmann, Lutz; Sadlo, Filip (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2021)
      We present an approach to local extraction of 3D time-dependent vector field topology. In this concept, Lagrangian coherent structures, which represent the separating manifolds in time-dependent transport, correspond to ...
    • Parameterized Splitting of Summed Volume Tables 

      Reinbold, Christian; Westermann, Rüdiger (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2021)
      Summed Volume Tables (SVTs) allow one to compute integrals over the data values in any cubical area of a three-dimensional orthogonal grid in constant time, and they are especially interesting for building spatial search ...