Now showing items 1-10 of 15
Recognition, Modelling and Interactive Manipulation of Motifs or Symbols Represented by a Composition of Curves
(The Eurographics Association, 2020)
In this work we introduce a method for the recognition, modelling and interactive manipulation of graphical motifs, symbols or artistic elements that are represented by a composition of plane curves. Our method bases on ...
Working with Volumetric Meshes in a Game Engine: a Unity Prototype
(The Eurographics Association, 2020)
Volumetric meshes are useful assets in many different research and application fields, like physical simulations, FEM or IGA. In the last decade, the Computer Graphics community dedicated a lot of effort in studying and ...
Path-Traced Motion Blur using Motion Trees
(The Eurographics Association, 2020)
Motion Blur is an important effect of photo-realistic rendering. Distribution ray tracing can simulate motion blur very well by integrating light, both over the spatial and the temporal domain. However, increasing the ...
A Mesh Generation Perspective on Robust Mappings
(The Eurographics Association, 2020)
Mapping a shape to some parametric domain is a fundamental tool in graphics and scientific computing. In practice, a map between two shapes is commonly represented by two meshes with same connectivity and different embedding. ...
Multisided B-spline Patches Over Extraordinary Regions
(The Eurographics Association, 2020)
We propose a generalised B-spline construction that extends uniform bi-degree B-splines to multisided regions spanned over extraordinary regions in quad-dominant meshes. We show how the structure of the existing cubic ...
Capturing Fonts in the Wild
(The Eurographics Association, 2020)
Editing text in photographs requires the ability to find the same font, which is impossible in many settings, such as historical or manually painted text. We present a method of extracting the font from a single photographed ...
ViDA 3D: Towards a View-based Dataset for Aesthetic prediction on 3D models
(The Eurographics Association, 2020)
We present the ongoing effort to build the first benchmark dataset for aestethic prediction on 3D models. The dataset is built on top of Sketchfab, a popular platform for 3D content sharing. In our dataset, the visual 3D ...
Deep-learning Alignment for Handheld 3D Acquisitions: A new Densematch Dataset for an Extended Comparison
(The Eurographics Association, 2020)
Promising solutions for the alignment of 3D views based on representation learning approaches have been proposed very recently. The potentials of these solutions that could positively affect the 3D object registration has ...
Comparison and Integration of Erosion Evaluation Methods for Rheumatic Degenerative Diseases
(The Eurographics Association, 2020)
Monitoring the development of degenerative rheumatic diseases is at the core of an efficient medical evaluation of the patient. Acquiring information on the pathology progression, indeed, helps to personalize the therapy ...
Extracting Ordered Iso-Geodesic Points on the Mesh
(The Eurographics Association, 2020)
The mesh manifold is one of the most used modalities for representing 3D objects. Although it provides a fully connected not oriented structure, it has some drawback when compared to the grid of pixels of a still image. ...