Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • An Exploratory Visual Analytics Tool for Multivariate Dynamic Networks 

      Boz, Hasan Alp; Bahrami, Mohsen; Suhara, Yoshihiko; Bozkaya, Burcin; Balcisoy, Selim (The Eurographics Association, 2020)
      Visualizing multivariate dynamic networks is a challenging task. The evolution of the dynamic network within the temporal axis must be depicted in conjunction with the associated multivariate attributes. In this paper, an ...
    • Progressive Parameter Space Visualization for Task-Driven SAX Configuration 

      Loeschcke, Sebastian; Hogräfer, Marius; Schulz, Hans-Jörg (The Eurographics Association, 2020)
      As time series datasets are growing in size, data reduction approaches like PAA and SAX are used to keep them storable and analyzable. Yet, finding the right trade-off between data reduction and remaining utility of the ...
    • Quality Metrics to Guide Visual Analysis of High Dimensional Genomics Data 

      Fernstad, Sara Johansson; Macquisten, Alexander; Berrington, Janet; Embleton, Nicholas; Stewart, Christopher (The Eurographics Association, 2020)
      Studies of genome sequenced data are increasingly common in many domains. Technological advances enable detection of hundreds of thousands of biological entities in samples, resulting in extremely high dimensional data. ...
    • A Window-based Approach for Mining Long Duration Event-sequences 

      Vrotsou, Katerina; Nordman, Aida (The Eurographics Association, 2020)
      This paper presents an interactive sequence mining approach for exploring long duration event-sequences and identifying interesting patterns within them. The approach extends previous work on exploratory sequence mining ...