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Norrköping, Sweden, May 25-29, 2020 (Virtual)
Visual Exploration of Climate-Related Volunteered Geographic Information
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Visual Analysis of a Full-Scale-Emplacement Experiment in the Underground Rock Laboratory
Mont Terri using Fiber Surfaces
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SoilScanner: 3D Visualization for Soil Profiling using Portable X-ray Fluorescence
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Recent Submissions
SoilScanner: 3D Visualization for Soil Profiling using Portable X-ray Fluorescence
(The Eurographics Association, 2020)Soil scientists perform similar types of exploratory analysis repeatedly, such as generating the spatial distribution of chemical elements. The soil analysis process is time-consuming (may take days or weeks), labor-intensive ... -
Visual Analysis of a Full-Scale-Emplacement Experiment in the Underground Rock Laboratory Mont Terri using Fiber Surfaces
(The Eurographics Association, 2020)In the Underground Rock Laboratory Mont Terri, research has been conducted for over 20 years into the storage of radioactive waste in Opalinus Clay. The fitness for such storage depends on the prevailing geological material. ... -
Visual Exploration of Climate-Related Volunteered Geographic Information
(The Eurographics Association, 2020)This paper describes two approaches for visually exploring climate-related data collected within the citizen science research project, CitizenSensing. The project addresses the need of European cities and their citizens ... -
EnvirVis 2020: Frontmatter
(The Eurographics Association, 2020)