Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Fast Simulation of Deformable Characters with Articulated Skeletons in Projective Dynamics 

      Li, Jing; Liu, Tiantian; Kavan, Ladislav (ACM, 2019)
      We propose a fast and robust solver to simulate continuum-based deformable models with constraints, in particular, rigid-body and joint constraints useful for soft articulated characters. Our method embeds degrees of freedom ...
    • Small Steps in Physics Simulation 

      Macklin, Miles; Storey, Kier; Lu, Michelle; Terdiman, Pierre; Chentanez, Nuttapong; Jeschke, Stefan; Müller, Matthias (ACM, 2019)
      In this paper we re-examine the idea that implicit integrators with large time steps offer the best stability/performance trade-off for stiff systems. We make the surprising observation that performing a single large time ...