Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Detection of Confirmation and Distinction Biases in Visual Analytics Systems 

      Nalcaci, Atilla Alpay; Girgin, Dilara; Balki, Semih; Talay, Fatih; Boz, Hasan Alp; Balcisoy, Selim (The Eurographics Association, 2019)
      Cognitive bias is a systematic error that introduces drifts and distortions in the human judgment in terms of visual decomposition in the direction of the dominant instance. It has a significant role in decision-making ...
    • Towards Supporting Interpretability of Clustering Results with Uncertainty Visualization 

      Kinkeldey, Christoph; Korjakow, Tim; Benjamin, Jesse Josua (The Eurographics Association, 2019)
      Interpretation of machine learning results is a major challenge for non-technical experts, with visualization being a common approach to support this process. For instance, interpretation of clustering results is usually ...
    • Trust in Information Visualization 

      Mayr, Eva; Hynek, Nicole; Salisu, Saminu; Windhager, Florian (The Eurographics Association, 2019)
      Trust is an important factor that mediates whether a user will rely and build on the information displayed in a visualization. Research in other fields shows that there are different mechanisms of trust building: Users ...