Now showing items 41-59 of 59

    • A User-based Visual Analytics Workflow for Exploratory Model Analysis 

      Cashman, Dylan; Humayoun, Shah Rukh; Heimerl, Florian; Park, Kendall; Das, Subhajit; Thompson, John; Saket, Bahador; Mosca, Abigail; Stasko, John; Endert, Alex; Gleicher, Michael; Chang, Remco (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2019)
      Many visual analytics systems allow users to interact with machine learning models towards the goals of data exploration and insight generation on a given dataset. However, in some situations, insights may be less important ...
    • Topic Tomographies (TopTom): a Visual Approach to Distill Information From Media Streams 

      Gobbo, Beatrice; Balsamo, Duilio; Mauri, Michele; Bajardi, Paolo; Panisson, André; CIUCCARELLI, PAOLO (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2019)
      In this paper we present TopTom, a digital platform whose goal is to provide analytical and visual solutions for the exploration of a dynamic corpus of user-generated messages and media articles, with the aim of i) distilling ...
    • Interactive Volumetric Visual Analysis of Glycogen-derived Energy Absorption in Nanometric Brain Structures 

      Agus, Marco; Calì, Corrado; Al-Awami, Ali K.; Gobbetti, Enrico; Magistretti, Pierre J.; Hadwiger, Markus (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2019)
      Digital acquisition and processing techniques are changing the way neuroscience investigation is carried out. Emerging applications range from statistical analysis on image stacks to complex connectomics visual analysis ...
    • Efficient Optimal Overlap Removal: Algorithms and Experiments 

      Meulemans, Wouter (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2019)
      Motivated by visualizing spatial data using proportional symbols, we study the following problem: given a set of overlapping squares of varying sizes, minimally displace the squares as to remove the overlap while maintaining ...
    • The Dependent Vectors Operator 

      Hofmann, Lutz; Sadlo, Filip (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2019)
      In this paper, we generalize the parallel vectors operator due to Peikert and Roth to arbitrary dimension, i.e., to four-dimensional fields and beyond. Whereas the original operator tested for parallelism of two (derived) ...
    • Linking and Layout: Exploring the Integration of Text and Visualization in Storytelling 

      Zhi, Qiyu; Ottley, Alvitta; Metoyer, Ronald (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2019)
      Modern web technologies are enabling authors to create various forms of text visualization integration for storytelling. This integration may shape the stories' flow and thereby affect the reading experience. In this paper, ...
    • An Ontological Framework for Supporting the Design and Evaluation of Visual Analytics Systems 

      Chen, Min; Ebert, David (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2019)
      Designing, evaluating, and improving visual analytics (VA) systems is a primary area of activities in our discipline. In this paper, we present an ontological framework for recording and categorizing technical shortcomings ...
    • Evaluating Image Quality Measures to Assess the Impact of Lossy Data Compression Applied to Climate Simulation Data 

      Baker, Allison; Hammerling, Dorit; Turton, Terece (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2019)
      Applying lossy data compression to climate model output is an attractive means of reducing the enormous volumes of data generated by climate models. However, because lossy data compression does not exactly preserve the ...
    • Capture & Analysis of Active Reading Behaviors for Interactive Articles on the Web 

      Conlen, Matthew; Kale, Alex; Heer, Jeffrey (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2019)
      Journalists, educators, and technical writers are increasingly publishing interactive content on the web. However, popular analytics tools provide only coarse information about how readers interact with individual pages, ...
    • Focus+Context Exploration of Hierarchical Embeddings 

      Höllt, Thomas; Vilanova, Anna; Pezzotti, Nicola; Lelieveldt, Boudewijn P. F.; Hauser, Helwig (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2019)
      Hierarchical embeddings, such as HSNE, address critical visual and computational scalability issues of traditional techniques for dimensionality reduction. The improved scalability comes at the cost of the need for increased ...
    • Visual Analysis of Charge Flow Networks for Complex Morphologies 

      Kottravel, Sathish; Falk, Martin; Bin Masood, Talha; linares, mathieu; Hotz, Ingrid (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2019)
      In the field of organic electronics, understanding complex material morphologies and their role in efficient charge transport in solar cells is extremely important. Related processes are studied using the Ising model and ...
    • An Interactive Visualization System for Large Sets of Phase Space Trajectories 

      Neuroth, Tyson; Sauer, Franz; Ma, Kwan-Liu (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2019)
      We introduce a visual analysis system with GPU acceleration techniques for large sets of trajectories from complex dynamical systems. The approach is based on an interactive Boolean combination of subsets into a Focus+Context ...
    • Visualization of Equivalence in 2D Bivariate Fields 

      Zheng, Boyan; Rieck, Bastian; Leitte, Heike; Sadlo, Filip (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2019)
      In this paper, we show how the equivalence property leads to the novel concept of equivalent regions in mappings from Rn to Rn. We present a technique for obtaining these regions both in the domain and the codomain of such ...
    • Interactive Visualization of Flood and Heavy Rain Simulations 

      Cornel, Daniel; Buttinger-Kreuzhuber, Andreas; Konev, Artem; Horváth, Zsolt; Wimmer, Michael; Heidrich, Raimund; Waser, Jürgen (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2019)
      In this paper, we present a real-time technique to visualize large-scale adaptive height fields with C1-continuous surface reconstruction. Grid-based shallow water simulation is an indispensable tool for interactive flood ...
    • netflower: Dynamic Network Visualization for Data Journalists 

      Stoiber, Christina; Rind, Alexander; Grassinger, Florian; Gutounig, Robert; Goldgruber, Eva; Sedlmair, Michael; Emrich, Štefan; Aigner, Wolfgang (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2019)
      Journalists need visual interfaces that cater to the exploratory nature of their investigative activities. In this paper, we report on a four-year design study with data journalists. The main result is netflower, a visual ...
    • Analysis of Decadal Climate Predictions with User-guided Hierarchical Ensemble Clustering 

      Kappe, Christopher; Böttinger, Michael; Leitte, Heike (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2019)
      In order to gain probabilistic results, ensemble simulation techniques are increasingly applied in the weather and climate sciences (as well as in various other scientific disciplines). In many cases, however, only mean ...
    • Route-Aware Edge Bundling for Visualizing Origin-Destination Trails in Urban Traffic 

      Zeng, Wei; Shen, Qiaomu; Jiang, Yuzhe; Telea, Alexandru (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2019)
      Origin-destination (OD) trails describe movements across space. Typical visualizations thereof use either straight lines or plot the actual trajectories. To reduce clutter inherent to visualizing large OD datasets, bundling ...
    • CV3: Visual Exploration, Assessment, and Comparison of CVs 

      Filipov, Velitchko; Arleo, Alessio; Federico, Paolo; Miksch, Silvia (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2019)
      The Curriculum Vitae (CV, also referred to as ''résumé'') is an established representation of a person's academic and professional history. A typical CV is comprised of multiple sections associated with spatio-temporal, ...
    • Visual-Interactive Preprocessing of Multivariate Time Series Data 

      Bernard, Jürgen; Hutter, Marco; Reinemuth, Heiko; Pfeifer, Hendrik; Bors, Christian; Kohlhammer, Jörn (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2019)
      Pre-processing is a prerequisite to conduct effective and efficient downstream data analysis. Pre-processing pipelines often require multiple routines to address data quality challenges and to bring the data into a usable ...