2019 - Günter Enderle [Best Paper] Award
Pascal Bérard, Derek Bradley, Markus Gross, and Thabo Beeler
Motivation: "Accurate eye gaze animation is extremely important for virtual characters. This work tackles the problem of capturing it thoroughly, and in a very principled manner. It has the potential to be the go-to reference for people working in this area in the future."
Honorable Mentions
Lawson Fulton, Vismay Modi, David Duvenaud, David I. W. Levin, and Alec Jacobson
Motivation: "A novel, well motivated, and intelligently designed approach to reduced deformable model simulation. An inspiration for future work in learning-based simulation techniques.."
He Wang, Sören Pirk, Ersin Yumer, Vladimir G. Kim, Ozan Sener, Srinath Sridhar, and Leonidas J. Guibas
Motivation: "The proposal of a new problem statement, as well as a new solution. Considerable efforts has been made in the technical formulation, description and illustration, convincingly demonstrating the potentiality of action prediction models in CG. A step toward the realization of smart environments."