Now showing items 1-10 of 13
Planar Abstraction and Inverse Rendering of 3D Indoor Environment
(The Eurographics Association, 2019)
A large-scale scanned 3D environment suffers from complex occlusions and misalignment errors. The reconstruction contains holes in geometry and ghosting in texture. These are easily noticed and cannot be used in visually ...
GPU Smoke Simulation on Compressed DCT Space
(The Eurographics Association, 2019)
This paper presents a novel GPU-based algorithm for smoke animation. Our primary contribution is the use of Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) compressed space for efficient simulation. We show that our method runs an order ...
Fine-Grained Semantic Segmentation of Motion Capture Data using Dilated Temporal Fully-Convolutional Networks
(The Eurographics Association, 2019)
Human motion capture data has been widely used in data-driven character animation. In order to generate realistic, naturallooking motions, most data-driven approaches require considerable efforts of pre-processing, including ...
A Preliminary Analysis of Methods for Curvature Estimation on Surfaces With Local Reliefs
(The Eurographics Association, 2019)
Curvature estimation is very popular in geometry processing for the analysis of local surface variations. Despite the large number of methods, no quantitative nor qualitative studies have been conducted for a comparative ...
Stylistic Locomotion Modeling with Conditional Variational Autoencoder
(The Eurographics Association, 2019)
We propose a novel approach to create generative models for distinctive stylistic locomotion synthesis. The approach is inspired by the observation that human styles can be easily distinguished from a few examples. However, ...
Schelling Meshes
(The Eurographics Association, 2019)
The concept of ''Schelling points'' on 3D shapes has been explored for points on the surface of a 3D mesh. In this paper, we introduce the notion of ''Schelling meshes'' which extends the Schelling concept to 3D meshes as ...
Perceptual Characteristics by Motion Style Category
(The Eurographics Association, 2019)
Motion style is important as it characterizes a motion by expressing the context of the motion such as emotion and personality. Yet, the perception and interpretation of motion styles is subjective and may vary greatly ...
Making Gabor Noise Fast and Normalized
(The Eurographics Association, 2019)
Gabor Noise is a powerful procedural texture synthesis technique, but it has two major drawbacks: It is costly due to the high required splat density and not always predictable because properties of instances can differ ...
Font Specificity
(The Eurographics Association, 2019)
We explore the concept of ''image specificity'' for fonts and introduce the notion of ''font specificity''. The idea is that a font that elicits consistent descriptions from different people are more ''specific''. We collect ...
3DVFX: 3D Video Editing using Non-Rigid Structure-from-Motion
(The Eurographics Association, 2019)
Numerous video post-processing techniques can add or remove objects to the observed scene in the video. Most of these techniques rely on 2D image points to perform the desired changes. Structure-from-Motion (SfM) has allowed ...