Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Personalized Visual-Interactive Music Classification 

      Ritter, Christian; Altenhofen, Christian; Zeppelzauer, Matthias; Kuijper, Arjan; Schreck, Tobias; Bernard, Jürgen (The Eurographics Association, 2018)
      We present an interactive visual music classification tool that will allow users to automatically structure music collections in a personalized way. With our approach, users play an active role in an iterative process of ...
    • Visual Predictive Analytics using iFuseML 

      Sehgal, Gunjan; Rawat, Mrinal; Gupta, Bindu; Gupta, Garima; Sharma, Geetika; Shroff, Gautam (The Eurographics Association, 2018)
      Solving a predictive analytics problem involves multiple machine learning tasks in a workflow. Directing such workflows efficiently requires an understanding of data so as to identify and handle missing values and outliers, ...