Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Guidance or No Guidance? A Decision Tree Can Help 

      Ceneda, Davide; Gschwandtner, Theresia; May, Thorsten; Miksch, Silvia; Streit, Marc; Tominski, Christian (The Eurographics Association, 2018)
      Guidance methods have the potential of bringing considerable benefits to Visual Analytics (VA), alleviating the burden on the user and allowing a positive analysis outcome. However, the boundary between conventional VA ...
    • A Set-based Visual Analytics Approach to Analyze Retail Data 

      Adnan, Muhammad; Ruddle, Roy A. (The Eurographics Association, 2018)
      This paper explores how a set-based visual analytics approach could be useful for analyzing customers' shopping behavior, and makes three main contributions. First, it describes the scale and characteristics of a real-world ...