Now showing items 161-180 of 253

    • Design Factors for Summary Visualization in Visual Analytics 

      Sarikaya, Alper; Gleicher, Michael; Szafir, Danielle Albers (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2018)
      Data summarization allows analysts to explore datasets that may be too complex or too large to visualize in detail. Designers face a number of design and implementation choices when using summarization in visual analytics ...
    • Exploring the Visualization Design Space with Repertory Grids 

      Kurzhals, Kuno; Weiskopf, Daniel (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2018)
      There is an ongoing discussion in the visualization community about the relevant factors that render a visualization effective, expressive, memorable, aesthetically pleasing, etc. These factors lead to a large design space ...
    • Towards User-Centered Active Learning Algorithms 

      Bernard, Jürgen; Zeppelzauer, Matthias; Lehmann, Markus; Müller, Martin; Sedlmair, Michael (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2018)
      The labeling of data sets is a time-consuming task, which is, however, an important prerequisite for machine learning and visual analytics. Visual-interactive labeling (VIAL) provides users an active role in the process ...
    • Fast and Accurate CNN-based Brushing in Scatterplots 

      Fan, Chaoran; Hauser, Helwig (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2018)
      Brushing plays a central role in most modern visual analytics solutions and effective and efficient techniques for data selection are key to establishing a successful human-computer dialogue. With this paper, we address ...
    • Interactive Visual Exploration of Local Patterns in Large Scatterplot Spaces 

      Chegini, Mohammad; Shao, Lin; Gregor, Robert; Lehmann, Dirk Joachim; Andrews, Keith; Schreck, Tobias (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2018)
      Analysts often use visualisation techniques like a scatterplot matrix (SPLOM) to explore multivariate datasets. The scatterplots of a SPLOM can help to identify and compare two-dimensional global patterns. However, local ...
    • Visualizing Expanded Query Results 

      Mazurek, Michael; Waldner, Manuela (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2018)
      When performing queries in web search engines, users often face difficulties choosing appropriate query terms. Search engines therefore usually suggest a list of expanded versions of the user query to disambiguate it or ...
    • Chart Constellations: Effective Chart Summarization for Collaborative and Multi-User Analyses 

      Xu, Shenyu; Bryan, Chris; Li, Jianping Kelvin; Zhao, Jian; Ma, Kwan-Liu (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2018)
      Many data problems in the real world are complex and require multiple analysts working together to uncover embedded insights by creating chart-driven data stories. How, as a subsequent analysis step, do we interpret and ...
    • Towards Easy Comparison of Local Businesses Using Online Reviews 

      Wang, Yong; Haleem, Hammad; Shi, Conglei; Wu, Yanhong; Zhao, Xun; Fu, Siwei; Qu, Huamin (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2018)
      With the rapid development of e-commerce, there is an increasing number of online review websites, such as Yelp, to help customers make better purchase decisions. Viewing online reviews, including the rating score and text ...
    • ChangeCatcher: Increasing Inter-author Awareness for Visualization Development 

      Loorak, Mona Hosseinkhani; Tory, Melanie; Carpendale, Sheelagh (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2018)
      We introduce an approach for explicitly revealing changes between versions of a visualization workbook to support version comparison tasks. Visualization authors may need to understand version changes for a variety of ...
    • Key Time Steps Selection for Large-Scale Time-Varying Volume Datasets Using an Information-Theoretic Storyboard 

      Zhou, Bo; Chiang, Yi-Jen (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2018)
      Key time steps selection is essential for effective and efficient scientific visualization of large-scale time-varying datasets. We present a novel approach that can decide the number of most representative time steps while ...
    • Time Lattice: A Data Structure for the Interactive Visual Analysis of Large Time Series 

      Miranda, Fabio; Lage, Marcos; Doraiswamy, Harish; Mydlarz, Charlie; Salamon, Justin; Lockerman, Yitzchak; Freire, Juliana; Silva, Claudio T. (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2018)
      Advances in technology coupled with the availability of low-cost sensors have resulted in the continuous generation of large time series from several sources. In order to visually explore and compare these time series at ...
    • Representative Consensus from Limited-Size Ensembles 

      Mirzargar, Mahsa; Whitaker, Ross T. (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2018)
      Characterizing the uncertainty and extracting reliable visual information from ensemble data have been persistent challenges in various disciplines, specifically in simulation sciences. Many ensemble analysis and visualization ...
    • Hierarchical Correlation Clustering in Multiple 2D Scalar Fields 

      Liebmann, Tom; Weber, Gunther H.; Scheuermann, Gerik (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2018)
      Sets of multiple scalar fields can be used to model many types of variation in data, such as uncertainty in measurements and simulations or time-dependent behavior of scalar quantities. Many structural properties of such ...
    • EuroVis 2018: Frontmatter 

      Heer, Jeffrey; Leitte, Heike; Ropinski, Timo (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2018)
    • MIQP-based Layout Design for Building Interiors 

      Wu, Wenming; Fan, Lubin; Liu, Ligang; Wonka, Peter (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2018)
      We propose a hierarchical framework for the generation of building interiors. Our solution is based on a mixed integer quadratic programming (MIQP) formulation. We parametrize a layout by polygons that are further decomposed ...
    • Interactive Generation of Time-evolving, Snow-Covered Landscapes with Avalanches 

      Cordonnier, Guillaume; Ecormier, Pierre; Galin, Eric; Gain, James; Benes, Bedrich; Cani, Marie-Paule (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2018)
      We introduce a novel method for interactive generation of visually consistent, snow-covered landscapes and provide control of their dynamic evolution over time. Our main contribution is the real-time phenomenological ...
    • Controllable Dendritic Crystal Simulation Using Orientation Field 

      Ren, Bo; Huang, Jiahui; Lin, Ming C.; Hu, Shi-Min (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2018)
      Real world dendritic growths show charming structures by their exquisite balance between the symmetry and randomness in the crystal formation. Other than the variety in the natural crystals, richer visual appearance of ...
    • Motion Sickness Simulation Based on Sensorimotor Control 

      Hu, Chen-Hui; Lin, Wen-Chieh (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2018)
      Sensorimotor control is an essential mechanism for human motions, from involuntary reflex actions to intentional motor skill learning, such as walking, jumping, and swimming. Humans perform various motions according to ...
    • Parallel Reinsertion for Bounding Volume Hierarchy Optimization 

      Meister, Daniel; Bittner, Jiří (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2018)
      We present a novel highly parallel method for optimizing bounding volume hierarchies (BVH) targeting contemporary GPU architectures. The core of our method is based on the insertion-based BVH optimization that is known to ...
    • Fast Catmull-Rom Spline Interpolation for High-Quality Texture Sampling 

      Csébfalvi, Balázs (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2018)
      It is well known that cubic texture filtering can be efficiently implemented on the GPU by using a method published by Sigg and Hadwiger [SH05], which simplifies the evaluation to a linear combination of linear texture ...