Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Authoring Motion Cycles 

      Ciccone, Loïc; Guay, Martin; Nitti, Maurizio; Sumner, Robert W. (ACM, 2017)
      Motion cycles play an important role in animation production and game development. However, creating motion cycles relies on general-purpose animation packages with complex interfaces that require expert training. Our work ...
    • Fully Asynchronous SPH Simulation 

      Reinhardt, Stefan; Huber, Markus; Eberhardt, Bernhard; Weiskopf, Daniel (ACM, 2017)
      We present a novel method for fully asynchronous time integration of particle-based fluids using smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH). With our approach, we allow a dedicated time step for each particle. Therefore, we are ...
    • Learning Locomotion Skills Using DeepRL: Does the Choice of Action Space Matter? 

      Peng, Xue Bin; Panne, Michiel van de (ACM, 2017)
      The use of deep reinforcement learning allows for high-dimensional state descriptors, but little is known about how the choice of action representation impacts learning and the resulting performance. We compare the impact ...