EuroVis 2017 - 19th EG/VGTC Conference on Visualization
Barcelona, Spain 12-16 June 2017

Scalar Field Analysis
Global Feature Tracking and Similarity Estimation in Time-Dependent Scalar Fields
Himangshu Saikia and Tino Weinkauf
Nested Tracking Graphs
Jonas Lukasczyk, Gunther Weber, Ross Maciejewski, Christoph Garth, and Heike Leitte
Computing Contour Trees for 2D Piecewise Polynomial Functions
Girijanandan Nucha, Georges-Pierre Bonneau, Stefanie Hahmann, and Vijay Natarajan
Compactly Supported Biorthogonal Wavelet Bases on the Body Centered Cubic Lattice
Joshua J. Horacsek and Usman R. Alim
Evaluating Visualization
Constructing and Evaluating Visualisation Task Classifications: Process and Considerations
Natalie Kerracher and Jessie Kennedy
An Empirical Study on the Reliability of Perceiving Correlation Indices using Scatterplots
Varshita Sher, Karen G. Bemis, Ilaria Liccardi, and Min Chen
Empirically Measuring Soft Knowledge in Visualization
Natchaya Kijmongkolchai, Alfie Abdul-Rahman, and Min Chen
Visual Comparison of Eye Movement Patterns
Tanja Blascheck, Markus Schweizer, Fabian Beck, and Thomas Ertl
Biomedical Visualization
Glyph-Based Comparative Stress Tensor Visualization in Cerebral Aneurysms
Monique Meuschke, Samuel Voß, Oliver Beuing, Bernhard Preim, and Kai Lawonn
Visual Verification of Cancer Staging for Therapy Decision Support
Mario A. Cypko, Jan Wojdziak, Matthaeus Stoehr, Bettina Kirchner, Bernhard Preim, Andreas Dietz, Heinz U. Lemke, and Steffen Oeltze-Jafra
Overview + Detail Visualization for Ensembles of Diffusion Tensors
Changgong Zhang, Matthan W. A. Caan, Thomas Höllt, Elmar Eisemann, and Anna Vilanova
Visualizing the Uncertainty of Graph-based 2D Segmentation with Min-path Stability
Brian Summa, Julien Tierny, and Valerio Pascucci
Plots, Plots, Plots
Sclow Plots: Visualizing Empty Space
Joachim Giesen, Lars Kühne, and Philipp Lucas
Interactive Regression Lens for Exploring Scatter Plots
Lin Shao, Aishwarya Mahajan, Tobias Schreck, and Dirk J. Lehmann
Sliceplorer: 1D Slices for Multi-dimensional Continuous Functions
Thomas Torsney-Weir, Michael Sedlmair, and Torsten Möller
Stardust: Accessible and Transparent GPU Support for Information Visualization Rendering
Donghao Ren, Bongshin Lee, and Tobias Höllerer
Text and Time Visualization
Interactive Ambiguity Resolution of Named Entities in Fictional Literature
Florian Stoffel, Wolfgang Jentner, Michael Behrisch, Johannes Fuchs, and Daniel A. Keim
Integrating Visual Analytics Support for Grounded Theory Practice in Qualitative Text Analysis
Senthil Chandrasegaran, Sriram Karthik Badam, Lorraine Kisselburgh, Karthik Ramani, and Niklas Elmqvist
NEREx: Named-Entity Relationship Exploration in Multi-Party Conversations
Mennatallah El-Assady, Rita Sevastjanova, Bela Gipp, Daniel A. Keim, and Christopher Collins
Cycle Plot Revisited: Multivariate Outlier Detection Using a Distance-Based Abstraction
Markus Bögl, Peter Filzmoser, Theresia Gschwandtner, Tim Lammarsch, Roger A. Leite, Silvia Miksch, and Alexander Rind
Data Processing
Visual Analysis of Confocal Raman Spectroscopy Data using Cascaded Transfer Function Design
Christoph Markus Schikora, Markus Plack, Rainer Bornemann, Peter Haring Bolívar, and Andreas Kolb
Graph Visualization
Graffinity: Visualizing Connectivity in Large Graphs
Ethan Kerzner, Alexander Lex, Crystal Lynn Sigulinsky, Timothy Urness, Bryan William Jones, Robert E. Marc, and Miriah Meyer
Visualizing a Sequence of a Thousand Graphs (or Even More)
Michael Burch, Marcel Hlawatsch, and Daniel Weiskopf
Visual Exploration of Global Trade Networks with Time-Dependent and Weighted Hierarchical Edge Bundles on GPU
Johannes Hofmann, Michael Größler, Manuel Rubio-Sánchez, Peter-Paul Pichler, and Dirk J. Lehmann
Graph Layouts by t-SNE
J. F. Kruiger, Paulo E. Rauber, Rafael Messias Martins, Andreas Kerren, Stephen Kobourov, and Alexandru C. Telea
Applications and Design Studies
Comparing Personal Image Collections with PICTuReVis
Paul van der Corput and Jarke J. van Wijk
Dynamic Visual Abstraction of Soccer Movement
Dominik Sacha, Feeras Al-Masoudi, Manuel Stein, Tobias Schreck, Daniel A. Keim, Gennady Andrienko, and Halldór Janetzko
Visualization of Delay Uncertainty and its Impact on Train Trip Planning: A Design Study
Marcel Wunderlich, Kathrin Ballweg, Georg Fuchs, and Tatiana von Landesberger
Comparative Visual Analysis of Structure-Performance Relations in Complex Bulk-Heterojunction Morphologies
Amal Aboulhassan, Ronell Sicat, Daniel Baum, Olga Wodo, and Markus Hadwiger
Visual Encoding Analysis
Measuring Symmetry in Drawings of Graphs
Eric Welch and Stephen Kobourov
Reverse-Engineering Visualizations: Recovering Visual Encodings from Chart Images
Jorge Poco and Jeffrey Heer
Finding a Clear Path: Structuring Strategies for Visualization Sequences
Jessica Hullman, Robert Kosara, and Heidi Lam
Visual Narrative Flow: Exploring Factors Shaping Data Visualization Story Reading Experiences
Sean McKenna, Nathalie Henry Riche, Bongshin Lee, Jeremy Boy, and Miriah Meyer
Multi and High Dimensional Visualization
Adaptable Radial Axes Plots for Improved Multivariate Data Visualization
Manuel Rubio-Sánchez, Alberto Sanchez, and Dirk J. Lehmann
Linear Discriminative Star Coordinates for Exploring Class and Cluster Separation of High Dimensional Data
Yunhai Wang, Jingting Li, Feiping Nie, Holger Theisel, Minglun Gong, and Dirk J. Lehmann
Understanding Indirect Causal Relationships in Node-Link Graphs
Juhee Bae, Tove Helldin, and Maria Riveiro
Geo and Space Visualization
Minimum-Displacement Overlap Removal for Geo-referenced Data Visualization
Mereke van Garderen, Barbara Pampel, Arlind Nocaj, and Ulrik Brandes
Generating Tile Maps
Graham McNeill and Scott A. Hale
Illustrative Visualization of Mesoscale Ocean Eddies
Li Liu, Deborah Silver, Karen Bemis, Dujuan Kang, and Enrique Curchitser
Dynamic Scene Graph: Enabling Scaling, Positioning, and Navigation in the Universe
Emil Axelsson, Jonathas Costa, Cláudio Silva, Carter Emmart, Alexander Bock, and Anders Ynnerman
Visualizing Probabilistic Multi-Phase Fluid Simulation Data using a Sampling Approach
Mathias Hummel, Lisa Jöckel, Jan Schäfer, Mark Werner Hlawitschka, and Christoph Garth
Uncertainty Footprint: Visualization of Nonuniform Behavior of Iterative Algorithms Applied to 4D Cell Tracking
Yong Wan and Charles Hansen
Interaction and Presentation
Steering the Craft: UI Elements and Visualizations for Supporting Progressive Visual Analytics
Sriram Karthik Badam, Niklas Elmqvist, and Jean-Daniel Fekete
GraSp: Combining Spatially-aware Mobile Devices and a Display Wall for Graph Visualization and Interaction
Ulrike Kister, Konstantin Klamka, Christian Tominski, and Raimund Dachselt
Internal and External Visual Cue Preferences for Visualizations in Presentations
Ha-Kyung Kong, Zhicheng Liu, and Karrie Karahalios
CoreFlow: Extracting and Visualizing Branching Patterns from Event Sequences
Zhicheng Liu, Bernard Kerr, Mira Dontcheva, Justin Grover, Matthew Hoffman, and Alan Wilson

Recent Submissions

  • CoreFlow: Extracting and Visualizing Branching Patterns from Event Sequences 

    Liu, Zhicheng; Kerr, Bernard; Dontcheva, Mira; Grover, Justin; Hoffman, Matthew; Wilson, Alan (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2017)
    Event sequence datasets with high event cardinality and long sequences are difficult to visualize and analyze. In particular, it is hard to generate a high level visual summary of paths and volume of flow. Existing approaches ...
  • Internal and External Visual Cue Preferences for Visualizations in Presentations 

    Kong, Ha-Kyung; Liu, Zhicheng; Karahalios, Karrie (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2017)
    Presenters, such as analysts briefing to an executive committee, often use visualizations to convey information. In these cases, providing clear visual guidance is important to communicate key concepts without confusion. ...
  • GraSp: Combining Spatially-aware Mobile Devices and a Display Wall for Graph Visualization and Interaction 

    Kister, Ulrike; Klamka, Konstantin; Tominski, Christian; Dachselt, Raimund (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2017)
    Going beyond established desktop interfaces, researchers have begun re-thinking visualization approaches to make use of alternative display environments and more natural interaction modalities. In this paper, we investigate ...
  • Steering the Craft: UI Elements and Visualizations for Supporting Progressive Visual Analytics 

    Badam, Sriram Karthik; Elmqvist, Niklas; Fekete, Jean-Daniel (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2017)
    Progressive visual analytics (PVA) has emerged in recent years to manage the latency of data analysis systems. When analysis is performed progressively, rough estimates of the results are generated quickly and are then ...
  • Uncertainty Footprint: Visualization of Nonuniform Behavior of Iterative Algorithms Applied to 4D Cell Tracking 

    Wan, Yong; Hansen, Charles (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2017)
    Research on microscopy data from developing biological samples usually requires tracking individual cells over time. When cells are three-dimensionally and densely packed in a time-dependent scan of volumes, tracking results ...
  • Visualizing Probabilistic Multi-Phase Fluid Simulation Data using a Sampling Approach 

    Hummel, Mathias; Jöckel, Lisa; Schäfer, Jan; Hlawitschka, Mark Werner; Garth, Christoph (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2017)
    Eulerian Method of Moment (MoM) solvers are gaining popularity for multi-phase CFD simulation involving bubbles or droplets in process engineering. Because the actual positions of bubbles are uncertain, the spatial ...
  • Dynamic Scene Graph: Enabling Scaling, Positioning, and Navigation in the Universe 

    Axelsson, Emil; Costa, Jonathas; Silva, Cláudio; Emmart, Carter; Bock, Alexander; Ynnerman, Anders (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2017)
    In this work, we address the challenge of seamlessly visualizing astronomical data exhibiting huge scale differences in distance, size, and resolution. One of the difficulties is accurate, fast, and dynamic positioning and ...
  • Illustrative Visualization of Mesoscale Ocean Eddies 

    Liu, Li; Silver, Deborah; Bemis, Karen; Kang, Dujuan; Curchitser, Enrique (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2017)
    Feature-based time-varying volume visualization is combined with illustrative visualization to tell the story of how mesoscale ocean eddies form in the Gulf Stream and transport heat and nutrients across the ocean basin. ...
  • Generating Tile Maps 

    McNeill, Graham; Hale, Scott A. (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2017)
    Tile maps are an important tool in thematic cartography with distinct qualities (and limitations) that distinguish them from better-known techniques such as choropleths, cartograms and symbol maps. Specifically, tile maps ...
  • Understanding Indirect Causal Relationships in Node-Link Graphs 

    Bae, Juhee; Helldin, Tove; Riveiro, Maria (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2017)
    To find correlations and cause and effect relationships in multivariate data sets is central in many data analysis problems. A common way of representing causal relations among variables is to use node-link diagrams, where ...
  • Minimum-Displacement Overlap Removal for Geo-referenced Data Visualization 

    Garderen, Mereke van; Pampel, Barbara; Nocaj, Arlind; Brandes, Ulrik (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2017)
    Given a set of rectangles embedded in the plane, we consider the problem of adjusting the layout to remove all overlap while preserving the orthogonal order of the rectangles. The objective is to minimize the displacement ...
  • Linear Discriminative Star Coordinates for Exploring Class and Cluster Separation of High Dimensional Data 

    Wang, Yunhai; Li, Jingting; Nie, Feiping; Theisel, Holger; Gong, Minglun; Lehmann, Dirk J. (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2017)
    One main task for domain experts in analysing their nD data is to detect and interpret class/cluster separations and outliers. In fact, an important question is, which features/dimensions separate classes best or allow a ...
  • Adaptable Radial Axes Plots for Improved Multivariate Data Visualization 

    Rubio-Sánchez, Manuel; Sanchez, Alberto; Lehmann, Dirk J. (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2017)
    Radial axes plots are multivariate visualization techniques that extend scatterplots in order to represent high-dimensional data as points on an observable display. Well-known methods include star coordinates or principal ...
  • Visual Narrative Flow: Exploring Factors Shaping Data Visualization Story Reading Experiences 

    McKenna, Sean; Riche, Nathalie Henry; Lee, Bongshin; Boy, Jeremy; Meyer, Miriah (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2017)
    Many factors can shape the flow of visual data-driven stories, and thereby the way readers experience those stories. Through the analysis of 80 existing stories found on popular websites, we systematically investigate and ...
  • Finding a Clear Path: Structuring Strategies for Visualization Sequences 

    Hullman, Jessica; Kosara, Robert; Lam, Heidi (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2017)
    Little is known about how people structure sets of visualizations to support sequential viewing. We contribute findings from several studies examining visualization sequencing and reception. In our first study, people made ...
  • Reverse-Engineering Visualizations: Recovering Visual Encodings from Chart Images 

    Poco, Jorge; Heer, Jeffrey (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2017)
    We investigate how to automatically recover visual encodings from a chart image, primarily using inferred text elements. We contribute an end-to-end pipeline which takes a bitmap image as input and returns a visual encoding ...
  • Measuring Symmetry in Drawings of Graphs 

    Welch, Eric; Kobourov, Stephen (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2017)
    Layout symmetry is an important and desired feature in graph drawing. While there is a substantial body of work in computer vision around the detection and measurement of symmetry in images, there has been little effort ...
  • Comparative Visual Analysis of Structure-Performance Relations in Complex Bulk-Heterojunction Morphologies 

    Aboulhassan, Amal; Sicat, Ronell; Baum, Daniel; Wodo, Olga; Hadwiger, Markus (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2017)
    The structure of Bulk-Heterojunction (BHJ) materials, the main component of organic photovoltaic solar cells, is very complex, and the relationship between structure and performance is still largely an open question. ...
  • Visualization of Delay Uncertainty and its Impact on Train Trip Planning: A Design Study 

    Wunderlich, Marcel; Ballweg, Kathrin; Fuchs, Georg; Landesberger, Tatiana von (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2017)
    Uncertainty about possible train delays has an impact on train trips, as the exact arrival time is unknown during trip planning. Delays can lead to missing a connecting train at the transfer station, or to coming too late ...
  • Dynamic Visual Abstraction of Soccer Movement 

    Sacha, Dominik; Al-Masoudi, Feeras; Stein, Manuel; Schreck, Tobias; Keim, Daniel A.; Andrienko, Gennady; Janetzko, Halldór (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2017)
    Trajectory-based visualization of coordinated movement data within a bounded area, such as player and ball movement within a soccer pitch, can easily result in visual crossings, overplotting, and clutter. Trajectory ...

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