Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Interactive Exploration of Dissipation Element Geometry 

      Vierjahn, Tom; Schnorr, Andrea; Weyers, Benjamin; Denker, Dominik; Wald, Ingo; Garth, Christoph; Kuhlen, Torsten W.; Hentschel, Bernd (The Eurographics Association, 2017)
      Dissipation elements (DE) define a geometrical structure for the analysis of small-scale turbulence. Existing analyses based on DEs focus on a statistical treatment of large populations of DEs. In this paper, we propose a ...
    • Photo-Guided Exploration of Volume Data Features 

      Raji, Mohammad; Hota, Alok; Sisneros, Robert; Messmer, Peter; Huang, Jian (The Eurographics Association, 2017)
      In this work, we pose the question of whether, by considering qualitative information such as a sample target image as input, one can produce a rendered image of scientific data that is similar to the target. The algorithm ...