Now showing items 21-27 of 27

    • CustomCut: On-demand Extraction of Customized 3D Parts with 2D Sketches 

      Guo, Xuekun; Lin, Juncong; Xu, Kai; Chaudhuri, Siddhartha; Jin, Xiaogang (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2016)
      Several applications in shape modeling and exploration require identification and extraction of a 3D shape part matching a 2D sketch. We present CustomCut, an on-demand part extraction algorithm. Given a sketched query, ...
    • Advection-Based Function Matching on Surfaces 

      Azencot, Omri; Vantzos, Orestis; Ben-Chen, Mirela (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2016)
      A tangent vector field on a surface is the generator of a smooth family of maps from the surface to itself, known as the flow. Given a scalar function on the surface, it can be transported, or advected, by composing it ...
    • Incorporating Sharp Features in the General Solid Sweep Framework 

      Adsul, Bharat; Machchhar, Jinesh; Sohoni, Milind (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2016)
      This paper extends a recently proposed robust computational framework for constructing the boundary representation (brep) of the volume swept by a given smooth solid moving along a one parameter family h of rigid motions. ...
    • Polycube Simplification for Coarse Layouts of Surfaces and Volumes 

      Cherchi, Gianmarco; Livesu, Marco; Scateni, Riccardo (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2016)
      Representing digital objects with structured meshes that embed a coarse block decomposition is a relevant problem in applications like computer animation, physically-based simulation and Computer Aided Design (CAD). One ...
    • Iterative Closest Conformal Maps between Planar Domains 

      Segall, Aviv; Ben-Chen, Mirela (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2016)
      Conformal maps between planar domains are an important tool in geometry processing, used for shape deformation and image warping. The Riemann mapping theorem guarantees that there exists a conformal map between any two ...
    • Stable Region Correspondences Between Non-Isometric Shapes 

      Ganapathi-Subramanian, Vignesh; Thibert, Boris; Ovsjanikov, Maks; Guibas, Leonidas (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2016)
      We consider the problem of finding meaningful correspondences between 3D models that are related but not necessarily very similar. When the shapes are quite different, a point-to-point map is not always appropriate, so our ...
    • Splines in the Space of Shells 

      Heeren, Behrend; Rumpf, Martin; Schröder, Peter; Wardetzky, Max; Wirth, Benedikt (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2016)
      Cubic splines in Euclidean space minimize the mean squared acceleration among all curves interpolating a given set of data points. We extend this observation to the Riemannian manifold of discrete shells in which the ...