Now showing items 1-10 of 20
Structure-aware content creation: Detection, retargeting and deformation
Nowadays, access to digital information has become ubiquitous, while three-dimensional visual representation is becoming indispensable to knowledge understanding and information retrieval. Three-dimensional digitization ...
High-quality Face Capture, Animation and Editing from Monocular Video
Digitization of virtual faces in movies requires complex capture setups and extensive manual work to produce superb animations and video-realistic editing. This thesis pushes the boundaries of the digitization pipeline by ...
Physics-based Reconstruction and Animation of Humans
(Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, 2017-09-22)
Creating digital representations of humans is of utmost importance for applications ranging from entertainment (video games, movies) to human-computer interaction and even psychiatrical treat- ments. What makes building ...
Reducing Animator Keyframes
The aim of this doctoral thesis is to present a body of work aimed at reducing the time spent by animators manually constructing keyframed animation. To this end we present a number of state of the art machine learning ...
Operator Representations in Geometry Processing
This thesis introduces fundamental equations as well as discrete tools and numerical methods for carrying out various geometrical tasks on three-dimensional surfaces via operators. An example for an operator is the Laplacian ...
High dynamic range imaging: problems of video exposure bracketing, luminance calibration and gloss editing
Two-dimensional, conventional images are gradually losing their hegemony, leaving room for novel formats. Among these, 8 bit images give place to high dynamic range (HDR) image formats, allowing to improve colour gamut and ...
A Generalized Proceduralization Framework for Urban Models with Applications in Procedural Modeling, Synthesis, and Reconstruction
(ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2017)
The technological developments in the last century have carried us from a few pixels per screen to infinite worlds. Consecutively, recent bottleneck in graphics industry has been changing from the “means” to the “objects”, ...
Enhancing Digital Fabrication with Advanced Modeling Techniques
A few years ago there were only expensive machineries dedicated to rapid prototyping for professionals or industrial application, while nowadays very affordable solutions are on the market and have become useful tools for ...
Adjoint-Driven Importance Sampling in Light Transport Simulation
(Charles University, Prague, 2017-06-26)
Monte Carlo light transport simulation has recently been adopted by the movie industry as a standard tool for producing photo realistic imagery. As the industry pushes current technologies to the very edge of their ...
Controllable Shape Synthesis for Digital Fabrication
(Université de Lorraine, 2017-02-03)
The main goal of this thesis is to propose methods to synthesize shapes in a controllable manner, with the purpose of being fabricated. As 3D printers grow more accessible than ever, modeling software must now take into ...