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Short Papers
Icon Set Selection via Human Computation
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Optimized Route for Crowd Evacuation
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Modified Filtered Importance Sampling for Virtual Spherical Gaussian Lights
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Compressing Bidirectional Texture Functions via Tensor Train Decomposition
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Computational Design of Iris Folding Patterns
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Reflectance and Shape Estimation for Cartoon Shaded Objects
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Interactive Multicut Video Segmentation
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Viewpoint Selection for Taking a good Photograph of Architecture
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Local Detail Enhancement for Volume Rendering under Global Illumination
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Dynamic Skin Deformation Simulation Using Musculoskeletal Model and Soft Tissue Dynamics
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Recent Submissions
Dynamic Skin Deformation Simulation Using Musculoskeletal Model and Soft Tissue Dynamics
(The Eurographics Association, 2016)Deformation of skin and muscle is essential for bringing an animated character to life. This deformation is difficult to animate in a realistic fashion using traditional techniques because of the subtlety of the skin ... -
Local Detail Enhancement for Volume Rendering under Global Illumination
(The Eurographics Association, 2016)We present a novel method for realistic perception enhanced volume rendering. Compared with traditional lighting systems, that either tend to eliminate important local shapes and details in volume data or cannot offer ... -
Viewpoint Selection for Taking a good Photograph of Architecture
(The Eurographics Association, 2016)This paper studies the problem of how to choose the viewpoint for taking good photographs for architecture. We achieve this by learning from professional photographs of world famous landmarks that are available in the ... -
Interactive Multicut Video Segmentation
(The Eurographics Association, 2016)Video segmentation requires separating foreground from background, but the general problem extends to more complicated scene segmentations of different objects and their multiple parts. We develop a new approach to interactive ... -
Reflectance and Shape Estimation for Cartoon Shaded Objects
(The Eurographics Association, 2016)Although many photorealistic relighting methods provide a way to change the illumination of objects in a digital photograph, it is currently difficult to relight a cartoon shading style in digital illustrations. The main ... -
Computational Design of Iris Folding Patterns
(The Eurographics Association, 2016)Iris folding is a motif consisting of layered strips of paper, forming a spiral pattern behind an aperture, which can be used to make cards and gift tags. This paper describes an interactive computational tool to assist ... -
Modified Filtered Importance Sampling for Virtual Spherical Gaussian Lights
(The Eurographics Association, 2016)This paper proposes a modification of the filtered importance sampling (FIS) method, and improves the quality of virtual spherical Gaussian light (VSGL) based real-time glossy indirect illumination using this modification. ... -
Compressing Bidirectional Texture Functions via Tensor Train Decomposition
(The Eurographics Association, 2016)Material reflectance properties play a central role in photorealistic rendering. Bidirectional texture functions (BTFs) can faithfully represent these complex properties, but their inherent high dimensionality (texture ... -
Optimized Route for Crowd Evacuation
(The Eurographics Association, 2016)An evacuation plan helps people move away from an area or a building. To achieve a fast evacuation, we present an algorithm to compute the optimal route for each local region. The idea is to reduce congestion and to maximize ... -
Icon Set Selection via Human Computation
(The Eurographics Association, 2016)Picking the best icons for a graphical user interface is difficult. We present a new method which, given several icon candidates representing functionality, selects a complete icon set optimized for comprehensibility and ... -
PG 2016 Short Papers: Frontmatter
(Eurographics Association, 2016)