Now showing items 741-760 of 2886

    • A Virtual Laboratory for Computer Graphics Education 

      Pettersson, L. W.; Jensen, N.; Seipel, S. (Eurographics Association, 2003)
      We specify a 3D network-distributed virtual environment (DVE) where students learn computer graphics programming. The client/server software consists of a programming environment, the 3D DVE that is used to develop dynamic ...
    • Preface 

      Unknown author (Eurographics Association, 2003)
    • Learning by doing: A Case for Constructivist 3D Virtual Learning Environment 

      Hu, Weihua; Zhu, Jiejie; Pan, Zhigeng; Li, Yanfeng; Ju, Cunhui (Eurographics Association, 2003)
      This paper puts forward an idea that 3D virtual learning environment (3DVLE ) is an effective way to improve the feasibility of implementing constructivist learning theory in distance education. In this paper, we first ...
    • Drag and Drop Scripting: How To Do Hypermedia Right 

      Hanisch, F.; Straßer, W. (Eurographics Association, 2003)
      The rising interest in repositories for educational material consolidates efforts of the diversied educational community. Developers, teachers, and designers have recognized the need for collaboration in order to create ...
    • Interactive Learning of Computer Graphics Algorithms 

      Pan, Zhigeng; Lun, Hung Pak; Gao, Rong (Eurographics Association, 2003)
      Nowadays, computer graphics course is usually taught with traditional teaching methodologies and tools, which has its own limitations. In this paper, we present an online interactive computer graphics tutorial. The practical ...
    • Geometric Data Structures for Computer Graphics 

      Zachmann, Gabriel; Langetepe, Elmar (Eurographics Association, 2002)
      This tutorial aims at presenting a wide range of geometric data structures, algorithms and techniques from computational geometry to computer graphics practitioners. To achieve this goal we introduce several data structures, ...
    • View-Dependent Rendering for Polygonal Datasets 

      El- Sana, Jihad; De Floriani, Leila; Puppo, Enrico; Shamir, Arik (Eurographics Association, 2002)
    • Programmable Graphics Hardware for Interactive Visualization 

      Ertl, Thomas; Weiskopf, Daniel; Kraus, Martin; Engel, Klaus; Weiler, Manfred; Hopf, Matthias; Röttger, Stefan; Rezk-Salama, Christof (Eurographics Association, 2002)
    • More than RGB: Spectral Trends in Color Reproduction 

      Bell, Ian E.; Baranoski, Gladimir V. G. (Eurographics Association, 2002)
      Early rendering algorithms relied exclusively on three-dimensional spaces for color computation, such as RGB and CIE XYZ. Recent rendering advances use full spectral information for illuminants and surfaces, resulting in ...
    • Modeling and Rendering of Synthetic Plants 

      Deussen, Oliver (Eurographics Association, 2002)
      Plant geometries: → important for many indoor and outdoor scenes → hard to generate and to manipulate → tricky to convert → today: seldomly used → tomorrow: standard of most animation systems
    • Tutorial on Inhabited Virtual Heritage 

      Magnenat-Thalmann, Nadia; Chalmers, Alan; Fua, Pascal; Thalmann, Daniel (Eurographics Association, 2002)
    • Point Based Computer Graphics 

      Gross, Markus; Pfister, Hanspeter; Zwicker, Matthias; Pauly, Mark; Stamminger, Marc; Alexa, Marc (Eurographics Association, 2002)
    • Facial Modeling and Animation 

      Haber, Jörg; Magnenat-Thalmann, Nadia; Terzopoulos, Demetri; Vetter, Thomas; Blanz, Volker; Kähler, Kolja (Eurographics Association, 2002)
    • Cloth Animation and Rendering 

      Hauth, Michael; Etzmuss, Olaf; Eberhardt, Bernd; Klein, Reinhard; Sarlette, Ralf; Sattler, Mirko; Daubert, Katja; Kautz, Jan (Eurographics Association, 2002)
      The area of physically-based modeling is situated in the intersection of computer science, mathematics, and physics. The animation of cloth is a particularly interesting application of physically-based modeling, because ...
    • 3D Data Acquisition 

      Scopigno,Roberto; Andujar, Carlos; Goesele,Michael; Lensch, Hendrik P. A. (Eurographics Association, 2002)
      3D scanners and image acquisition systems are rapidly becoming more affordable and allow to build highly accurate models of real 3D objects in a cost- and time-effective manner. This tutorial will present the potential of ...
    • Feature Extraction and Visualisation of Flow Fields 

      Post, Frits H.; Vrolijk, Benjamin; Hauser, Helwig; Laramee, Robert S.; Doleisch, Helmut (Eurographics Association, 2002)
      Flow visualisation has already been a very attractive part of visualisation research for a long time. Usually very large data sets need to be processed, which often consist of multivariate data with a large number of sample ...
    • Tone Reproduction and Physically Based Spectral Rendering 

      Devlin, Kate; Chalmers, Alan; Wilkie, Alexander; Purgathofer, Werner (Eurographics Association, 2002)
      The ultimate aim of realistic graphics is the creation of images that provoke the same responses that a viewer would have to a real scene. This STAR addresses two related key problem areas in this effort which are located ...
    • Visual Data Mining 

      Keim, Daniel A.; Müller, Wolfgang; Schumann, Heidrun (Eurographics Association, 2002)
      Never before in history has data been generated at such high volumes as it is today. Exploring and analyzing the vast volumes of data has become increasingly difficult. Information visualization and visual data mining can ...
    • Interactive High-Quality Volume Rendering with Flexible Consumer Graphics Hardware 

      Engel, Klaus; Ertl, Thomas (Eurographics Association, 2002)
      Recently, the classic rendering pipeline in 3D graphics hardware has become flexible by means of programmable geometry engines and rasterization units. This development is primarily driven by the mass market of computer ...
    • Global Illumination for Interactive Applications and High-Quality Animations 

      Damez, Cyrille; Dmitriev, Kirill; Myszkowski, Karol (Eurographics Association, 2002)
      One of the main obstacles to the use of global illumination in image synthesis industry is the considerable amount of time needed to compute the lighting for a single image. Until now, this computational cost has prevented ...