Now showing items 1161-1180 of 2886

    • Adding Parallelism in Object Space to the Rendering Pipeline 

      Chapman, Paul A.; Lewis, Eric (Eurographics Association, 1989)
      This paper analyses the problem of adding parallelism to the rendering pipeline and discusses the reasons for advocating an object-space partition. Consideration of the methods of work distribution and the rendering ...
    • Forest of Quadtrees: An Object Representation for 3D Graphics 

      Kaufman, Arie; Bandopadhay, Amit (Eurographics Association, 1989)
      A forest of quadtrees is proposed as an alternative data structure for representing and manipulating 3D and 2.5D graphics. A data representation of a forest offers space savings over common quadtrees by concentrating the ...
    • Non-Planar Polygons and Photographic Components for Naturalism in Computer Graphics 

      Hofmann, Georg Rainer (Eurographics Association, 1989)
      The measuring of natural objects like landscapes and already existing (not simply planned!) buildings produces natural data. That data of hue geometry typically consists of Non-planar Polygons. These may be triangulized, ...
    • A VLSI Chip for Ray Tracing Bicubic Patches 

      Bouatouch, Kadi; Saouter, Yannick; Candela, Jean Charles (Eurographics Association, 1989)
      This paper deals with the integration of a VLSI chip dedicated to ray tracing bicubic patches. A recursive subdivision algorithm is embedded in this chip. The recursion stops when the termination conditions are met. A ...
    • Two Object-Oriented Models to Design Graphical User Interfaces 

      Hübner, Wolfgang; Gomes, Mario Rui (Eurographics Association, 1989)
      Object-oriented concepts are well-suited to deal with the characteristics of user interfaces. Up to now several attempts to integrate the object-oriented paradigm in user interface models were evolved and led to distinctive ...
    • Components, Frameworks and GKS Input 

      Duce, D. A.; Ten Hagen, P.J.W.; Van Liere, R. (Eurographics Association, 1989)
      This paper was inspired by the Components/ Frameworks approach to a Reference Model for computer graphics, currently under discussion in the ISO computer graphics subject committee. The paper shows how a formal description ...
    • On the Software Structure of User Interface Management Systems 

      Burgstaller, Johann; Grollmann, Joachim; Kapsner, Franz (Eurographics Association, 1989)
      Specific systems for the development of user interfaces (Uls) are used today for coping with the increasing problems of human-computer communication. Some of those systems are based on well-defined models for humancomputer ...
    • Ray Tracing Polynomial Tensor Product Surfaces 

      Giger, Christine (Eurographics Association, 1989)
      With regard to ray tracing algorithms for polynomial tensor product surfaces, the most timecritical step is to find an intersection point of a ray and a surface. In this case it proves to be very difficult to decide whether ...
    • Accelerated Radiosity Method for Complex Environments 

      Xu, Hau; Peng, Qun-Sheng; Liang, You-Dong (Eurographics Association, 1989)
      As form-factor calculation costs about 90% of the computing time when applying radiosity approach for realistic image synthesis, it is of great significance to reduce the required computation, An accelerated radiosity ...
    • The Structure of Tube - A Tool for Implementing Advanced User Interfaces 

      Hill, Ralph D.; Herrmann, Marc (Eurographics Association, 1989)
      Good user interfaces are very costly to implement and maintain. As user interfaces become more advanced, moving to various forms of direct manipulation, they become even more expensive and difficult to implement. In the ...
    • The Macro-Regions: An Efficient Space Subdivision Structure for Ray Tracing 

      Devillers, Olivier (Eurographics Association, 1989)
      Ray tracing is the usual image synthesis technique which allows rendering of specular effects. The use of space subdivision for ray tracing optimization is studied. A new method of subdivision is proposed : the macro-regions. ...
    • MICRO-UIDT: A User Interface Development Tool 

      Mao, Qijing (Eurographics Association, 1989)
      A user interlace development tool called Micro-UIDT is described. Micro-UIDT provides an interactive design environment fur the user interface designers. The designing language for defining user interfaces are visual and ...
    • Pixel Selected Ray Tracing 

      Akimoto, Taka-aki; Mase, Kenji; Hashimoto, Akihiko; Suenaga, Yasuhito (Eurographics Association, 1989)
      This paper presents a new ray-tracing acceleration technique called Pixel Selected Ray-Tracing (PSRT). PSRT uses undersampling based on Iterative Central Point Selection(ICPS) along with checking for similarities among ...
    • Optimal Texture Mapping 

      De Ma, Song; Lin, Hong (Eurographics Association, 1988)
      Texture mapping is one of the most important techniques for highquality image synthesis. It can enhance immensely the visual richness of raster-scan images. We address in this paper the problem of mapping planar texture ...
    • Monte-Carlo Integration Applied to an Illumination Model 

      Bouville, C.; Dubois, J.L.; Marchal, I.; Viaud, M.L. (Eurographics Association, 1988)
      The use of Monte-Carlo integration together with stochastic sampling is very useful for dealing with the scattering phenomena that occur in the propagation and reflection of light. In this paper, these techniques have been ...
    • Fast Algorithm for Polygon Clipping with 3D Windows 

      Burkert, Andreas; Noll, Stefan (Eurographics Association, 1988)
      Many applications which use 3D graphics, need 3D geometric modeling and hence polygon clipping against 3D Windows or general volumes. The disadvantages of existing clipping algorithms are that they are 2D, slow or produce ...
    • Pseudo Ordering of CSG-Trees 

      Cottingham, Marion S. (Eurographics Association, 1988)
      Using Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) methods, it is usual for primitive object representations to be stored at the leaf nodes of binary trees. The major part of the work involved in generating an image of the object is ...
    • Form-Factors for General Environments 

      Shao, Ping-Pine; Peng, Qun-Sheng; Liang, You-Done (Eurographics Association, 1988)
      A new algorithm, based on the hemi-cube formulation, which calculates the form-factors required by the solution of the rendering equation, is presented. The concept of form-factors of the standard radiosity method is ...
    • An Evaluation of CSG Trees Based on Polyhedral Solids 

      Badouel, Didier; Hegron, Gerard (Eurographics Association, 1988)
      Set operation on polyhedra is an important component of Geometric Modeling System (GMS) when a Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) representation with polyhedral solid primitives is used. Output data will be the unique ...
    • The Calculus of the Non-Exact Perspective Projection - Scene-Shifting for Computer Animation 

      Hofmann, Georg Rainer (Eurographics Association, 1988)
      This paper shows the principle way to apply the, scene-shiftin technique of the classical film to computer animation. calculus is presented which is a modification of the well-known classical calculus of the perspective ...