Now showing items 1-20 of 24

    • Design and Fabrication of Faceted Mirror Arrays for Light Field Capture 

      Fuchs, Martin; Kächele, Markus; Rusinkiewicz, Szymon (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2013)
      The high resolution of digital cameras has made single‐shot, single‐sensor acquisition of light fields feasible, though considerable design effort is still necessary in order to construct the necessary collection of optical ...
    • Efficient Interpolation of Articulated Shapes Using Mixed Shape Spaces 

      Marras, S.; Cashman, T. J.; Hormann, K. (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2013)
      Interpolation between compatible triangle meshes that represent different poses of some object is a fundamental operation in geometry processing. A common approach is to consider the static input shapes as points in a ...
    • Sketch-to-Design: Context-Based Part Assembly 

      Xie, Xiaohua; Xu, Kai; Mitra, Niloy J.; Cohen-Or, Daniel; Gong, Wenyong; Su, Qi; Chen, Baoquan (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2013)
      Designing 3D objects from scratch is difficult, especially when the user intent is fuzzy and lacks a clear target form. We facilitate design by providing reference and inspiration from existing model contexts. We rethink ...
    • SCALe-invariant Integral Surfaces 

      Zanni, C.; Bernhardt, A.; Quiblier, M.; Cani, M.-P. (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2013)
      Extraction of skeletons from solid shapes has attracted quite a lot of attention, but less attention was paid so far to the reverse operation: generating smooth surfaces from skeletons and local radius information. Convolution ...
    • Atomistic Visualization of Mesoscopic Whole-Cell Simulations Using Ray-Casted Instancing 

      Falk, Martin; Krone, Michael; Ertl, Thomas (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2013)
      Molecular visualization is an important tool for analysing the results of biochemical simulations. With modern GPU ray casting approaches, it is only possible to render several million of atoms interactively unless advanced ...
    • Fast Shadow Removal Using Adaptive Multi‐Scale Illumination Transfer 

      Xiao, Chunxia; She, Ruiyun; Xiao, Donglin; Ma, Kwan-Liu (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2013)
      In this paper, we present a new method for removing shadows from images. First, shadows are detected by interactive brushing assisted with a Gaussian Mixture Model. Secondly, the detected shadows are removed using an ...
    • Multiple Light Source Estimation in a Single Image 

      Lopez-Moreno, Jorge; Garces, Elena; Hadap, Sunil; Reinhard, Erik; Gutierrez, Diego (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2013)
      Many high‐level image processing tasks require an estimate of the positions, directions and relative intensities of the light sources that illuminated the depicted scene. In image‐based rendering, augmented reality and ...
    • Modelling Bending Behaviour in Cloth Simulation Using Hysteresis 

      Wong, T. H.; Leach, G.; Zambetta, F. (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2013)
      Real cloth exhibits bending effects, such as residual curvatures and permanent wrinkles. These are typically explained by bending plastic deformation due to internal friction in the fibre and yarn structure. Internal ...
    • Spherical Fibonacci Point Sets for Illumination Integrals 

      Marques, R.; Bouville, C.; Ribardière, M.; Santos, L. P.; Bouatouch, K. (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2013)
      Quasi-Monte Carlo (QMC) methods exhibit a faster convergence rate than that of classic Monte Carlo methods. This feature has made QMC prevalent in image synthesis, where it is frequently used for approximating the value ...
    • Sketch-Based Editing Tools for Tumour Segmentation in 3D Medical Images 

      Heckel, Frank; Moltz, Jan H.; Tietjen, Christian; Hahn, Horst K. (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2013)
      In the past years sophisticated automatic segmentation algorithms for various medical image segmentation problems have been developed. However, there are always cases where automatic algorithms fail to provide an acceptable ...
    • Visual Analysis of Multi‐Dimensional Categorical Data Sets 

      Broeksema, Bertjan; Telea, Alexandru C.; Baudel, Thomas (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2013)
      We present a set of interactive techniques for the visual analysis of multi‐dimensional categorical data. Our approach is based on multiple correspondence analysis (MCA), which allows one to analyse relationships, patterns, ...
    • Non-Oriented MLS Gradient Fields 

      Chen, Jiazhou; Guennebaud, Gaël; Barla, Pascal; Granier, Xavier (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2013)
      We introduce a new approach for defining continuous non-oriented gradient fields from discrete inputs, a fundamental stage for a variety of computer graphics applications such as surface or curve reconstruction, and image ...
    • Interactive Mesh Smoothing for Medical Applications 

      Mönch, Tobias; Lawonn, Kai; Kubisch, Christoph; Westermann, Rüdiger; Preim, Bernhard (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2013)
      Surface models derived from medical image data often exhibit artefacts, such as noise and staircases, which can be reduced by applying mesh smoothing filters. Usually, an iterative adaption of smoothing parameters to the ...
    • Four‐Dimensional Geometry Lens: A Novel Volumetric Magnification Approach 

      Li, Bo; Zhao, Xin; Qin, Hong (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2013)
      We present a novel methodology that utilizes four-dimensional (4D) space deformation to simulate a magnification lens on versatile volume datasets and textured solid models. Compared with other magnification methods (e.g. ...
    • An Efficient Algorithm for Determining an Aesthetic Shape Connecting Unorganized 2D Points 

      Ohrhallinger, S.; Mudur, S. (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2013)
      We present anefficient algorithm for determining an aesthetically pleasing shape boundary connecting all the points in a given unorganized set of 2D points, with no other information than point coordinates. By posing shape ...
    • An Algorithm for Random Fractal Filling of Space 

      Shier, John; Bourke, Paul (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2013)
      Computational experiments with a simple algorithm show that it is possible to fill any spatial region with a random fractalization of any shape, with a continuous range of pre‐specified fractal dimensions D. The algorithm ...
    • Motion Synthesis for Sports Using Unobtrusive Lightweight Body‐Worn and Environment Sensing 

      Kelly, P.; Conaire, C. Ó; O'Connor, N. E.; Hodgins, J. (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2013)
      The ability to accurately achieve performance capture of athlete motion during competitive play in near real‐time promises to revolutionize not only broadcast sports graphics visualization and commentary, but also potentially ...
    • Non‐Local Image Reconstruction for Efficient Computation of Synthetic Bidirectional Texture Functions 

      Schröder, K.; Klein, R.; Zinke, A. (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2013)
      Visual prototyping of materials is relevant for many computer graphics applications. A large amount of modelling flexibility can be obtained by directly rendering micro‐geometry. While this is possible in principle, it is ...
    • Customizable LoD for Procedural Architecture 

      Besuievsky, Gonzalo; Patow, Gustavo (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2013)
      This paper presents a new semantic and procedural level-of-detail (LoD) method applicable to any rule‐based procedural building definition. This new LoD system allows the customizable and flexible selection of the architectural ...
    • Measuring Privacy and Utility in Privacy-Preserving Visualization 

      Dasgupta, Aritra; Chen, Min; Kosara, Robert (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2013)
      In previous work, we proposed a technique for preserving the privacy of quasi-identifiers in sensitive data when visualized using parallel coordinates. This paper builds on that work by introducing a number of metrics that ...