Now showing items 4-23 of 28

    • Computing 3D Shape Guarding and Star Decomposition 

      Yu, Wuyi; Li, Xin (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2011)
      This paper proposes an effective framework to compute the visibility guarding and star decomposition of 3D solid shapes. We propose a progressive integer linear programming algorithm to solve the guarding points that can ...
    • Creating Fluid Animation from a Single Image using Video Database 

      Okabe, Makoto; Anjyo, Ken; Onai, Rikio (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2011)
      We present a method for synthesizing fluid animation from a single image, using a fluid video database. The user inputs a target painting or photograph of a fluid scene along with its alpha matte that extracts the fluid ...
    • Discriminative Sketch-based 3D Model Retrieval via Robust Shape Matching 

      Shao, Tianjia; Xu, Weiwei; Yin, Kangkang; Wang, Jingdong; Zhou, Kun; Guo, Baining (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2011)
      We propose a sketch-based 3D shape retrieval system that is substantially more discriminative and robust than existing systems, especially for complex models. The power of our system comes from a combination of a contourbased ...
    • Edge-Optimized À-Trous Wavelets for Local Contrast Enhancement with Robust Denoising 

      Hanika, Johannes; Dammertz, Holger; Lensch, Hendrik (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2011)
      In this paper we extend the edge-avoiding à-trous wavelet transform for local contrast enhancement while avoiding common artifacts such as halos and gradient reversals. We show that this algorithm is a highly efficient and ...
    • Efficient Opacity Specification Based on Feature Visibilities in Direct Volume Rendering 

      Wang, Yunhai; Zhang, Jian; Chen, Wei; Zhang, Huai; Chi, Xuebin (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2011)
      Due to 3D occlusion, the specification of proper opacities in direct volume rendering is a time-consuming and unintuitive process. The visibility histograms introduced by Correa and Ma reflect the effect of occlusion by ...
    • Exposure Fusion for Time-Of-Flight Imaging 

      Hahne, Uwe; Alexa, Marc (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2011)
      This work deals with the problem of automatically choosing the correct exposure (or integration) time for timeof- flight depth image capturing. We apply methods known from high dynamic range imaging to combine depth images ...
    • Flexible Splicing of Upper-Body Motion Spaces on Locomotion 

      Basten, Ben J. H. van; Egges, Arjan (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2011)
      This paper presents an efficient technique for synthesizing motions by stitching, or splicing, an upper-body motion retrieved from a motion space on top of an existing lower-body locomotion of another motion. Compared to ...
    • A Graph-based Approach to Continuous Line Illustrations with Variable Levels of Detail 

      Wong, Fernando J.; Takahashi, Shigeo (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2011)
      This paper introduces a method for automatically generating continuous line illustrations, drawings consisting of a single line, from a given input image. Our approach begins by inferring a graph from a set of edges extracted ...
    • Heat Walk: Robust Salient Segmentation of Non-rigid Shapes 

      Benjamin, William; Polk, Andrew Wood; Vishwanathan, S. V. N.; Ramani, Karthik (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2011)
      Segmenting three dimensional objects using properties of heat diffusion on meshes aim to produce salient results. The few existing algorithms based on heat diffusion do not use the full knowledge that can be gained from ...
    • An Illustrative Visualization Framework for 3D Vector Fields 

      Chen, Cheng-Kai; Yan, Shi; Yu, Hongfeng; Max, Nelson; Ma, Kwan-Liu (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2011)
      Most 3D vector field visualization techniques suffer from the problem of visual clutter, and it remains a challenging task to effectively convey both directional and structural information of 3D vector fields. In this ...
    • Improving Performance and Accuracy of Local PCA 

      Gassenbauer, Václav; Krivánek, Jaroslav; Bouatouch, Kadi; Bouville, Christian; Ribardière, Mickaël (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2011)
      Local Principal Component Analysis (LPCA) is one of the popular techniques for dimensionality reduction and data compression of large data sets encountered in computer graphics. The LPCA algorithm is a variant of kmeans ...
    • Intelligent GPGPU Classification in Volume Visualization: A framework based on Error-Correcting Output Codes 

      Escalera, Sergio; Puig, Anna; Amoros, Oscar; Salamó, Maria (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2011)
      In volume visualization, the definition of the regions of interest is inherently an iterative trial-and-error process finding out the best parameters to classify and render the final image. Generally, the user requires a ...
    • Interactive Indirect Illumination Using Voxel Cone Tracing 

      Crassin, Cyril; Neyret, Fabrice; Sainz, Miguel; Green, Simon; Eisemann, Elmar (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2011)
      Indirect illumination is an important element for realistic image synthesis, but its computation is expensive and highly dependent on the complexity of the scene and of the BRDF of the involved surfaces. While off-line ...
    • Motion Deblurring from a Single Image using Circular Sensor Motion 

      Bando, Yosuke; Chen, Bing-Yu; Nishita, Tomoyuki (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2011)
      Image blur caused by object motion attenuates high frequency content of images, making post-capture deblurring an ill-posed problem. The recoverable frequency band quickly becomes narrower for faster object motion as high ...
    • Motion Retrieval Using Low-Rank Subspace Decomposition of Motion Volume 

      Sun, Chuan; Junejo, Imran; Foroosh, Hassan (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2011)
      This paper proposes a novel framework that allows for a flexible and an efficient retrieval of motion capture data in huge databases. The method first converts an action sequence into a novel representation, i.e. the ...
    • Optimized Topological Surgery for Unfolding 3D Meshes 

      Takahashi, Shigeo; Wu, Hsiang-Yun; Saw, Seow Hui; Lin, Chun-Cheng; Yen, Hsu-Chun (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2011)
      Constructing a 3D papercraft model from its unfolding has been fun for both children and adults since we can reproduce virtual 3D models in the real world. However, facilitating the papercraft construction process is still ...
    • Preface and Table of Contents 

      Bing-Yu Chen and Jan Kautz and Tong-Yee Lee and Ming C. Lin (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2011)
    • Real Time Edit Propagation by Efficient Sampling 

      Bie, Xiaohui; Huang, Haoda; Wang, Wencheng (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2011)
      It is popular to edit the appearance of images using strokes, owing to their ease of use and convenience of conveying the user's intention. However, propagating the user inputs to the rest of the images requires solving ...
    • Rephotography Using Image Collections 

      Lee, Kun-Ting; Luo, Sheng-Jie; Chen, Bing-Yu (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2011)
      This paper proposes a novel system that 'rephotographs' a historical photograph with a collection of images. Rather than finding the accurate viewpoint of the historical photo, users only need to take a number of photographs ...
    • RepSnapping: Efficient Image Cutout for Repeated Scene Elements 

      Huang, Hua; Zhang, Lei; Zhang, Hong-Chao (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2011)
      Repeated scene elements are copious and ubiquitous in natural images. Cutout of those repeated elements usually involves tedious and laborious user interaction by previous image segmentation methods. In this paper, we ...