Now showing items 1-10 of 236
On Neighbourhood Matching for Texture-by-Numbers
(The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2011)
Texture-by-Numbers is an attractive texture synthesis framework, because it is able to cope with non-homogeneous texture exemplars, and provides the user with intuitive creative control over the outcome of the synthesis ...
Taylor Prediction for Mesh Geometry Compression
(The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2011)
In this paper, we introduce a new formalism for mesh geometry prediction. We derive a class of smooth linear predictors from a simple approach based on the Taylor expansion of the mesh geometry function. We use this method ...
Allometric Scaling for Character Design
(The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2011)
Geometric scaling transformations do not respect the biological processes which govern the size and shape of living creatures. In this paper, we describe an approach to scaling which can be related to biological function. ...
A Survey of Real-Time Hard Shadow Mapping Methods
(The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2011)
Because of its versatility, speed and robustness, shadow mapping has always been a popular algorithm for fast hard shadow generation since its introduction in 1978, first for offline film productions and later increasingly ...
Hermite Radial Basis Functions Implicits
(The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2011)
The Hermite radial basis functions (HRBF) implicits reconstruct an implicit function which interpolates or approximates scattered multivariate Hermite data (i.e. unstructured points and their corresponding normals). ...
Using VisTrails and Provenance for Teaching Scientific Visualization
(The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2011)
Over the last 20 years, visualization courses have been developed and offered at universities around the world. Many of these courses use established visualization libraries and tools (e.g. VTK, ParaView, AVS, VisIt) as a ...
Experimental Feedback on Prog and Play: A Serious Game for Programming Practice
(The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2011)
This paper presents an experimental feedback on a serious game dedicated to strengthening programming skills. This serious game, called Prog&Play, is built on an open source real-time strategy game. Its goal is to be ...
A Survey of Ocean Simulation and Rendering Techniques in Computer Graphics
(The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2011)
This paper presents a survey of ocean simulation and rendering methods in computer graphics. To model and animate the ocean’s surface, these methods mainly rely on two main approaches: on the one hand, those which approximate ...
(The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2011)
Free Path Sampling in High Resolution Inhomogeneous Participating Media
(The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2011)
This paper presents efficient algorithms for free path sampling in heterogeneous participating media defined either by high-resolution voxel arrays or generated procedurally. The method is based on the concept of mixing ...