Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Project iMuse: an Interactive Visualizer of Lyrical Sentiment 

      Lu, Anna; Anstey, Jack; Zhang, Zack; Wang, Ruohe (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
      Our interactive visualization, Project iMuse [SA22a], provides the unique ability to view the most used words in popular music over the past 50+ years in conjunction with how they were used in songs through sentiment ...
    • Shapes of Time: Visualizing Set Changes Over Time in Cultural Heritage Collections 

      Salisu, Saminu; Mayr, Eva; Filipov, Velitchko Andreev; Leite, Roger A.; Miksch, Silvia; Windhager, Florian (The Eurographics Association, 2019)
      In cultural heritage collections, categorization is a central technique used to distinguish cultural movements, styles, or genres. For that end, objects are tagged with set-typed metadata and other information, such as ...