Darmstadt, Germany, June 23, 2015, Held in conjunction with The 26th Eurographics Symposium on Rendering

The Material Definition Language
L. Kettner, M. Raab, D. Seibert, J. Jordan, and A. Keller
Proposal for an Appearance Exchange Format
Gero Mueller and Francis Lamy
In Praise of an Alternative BRDF Parametrization
P. Barla, L. Belcour, and R. Pacanowski
Linear Models for Material BTFs and Possible Applications
D. den Brok, M. Weinmann, and R. Klein
Quality Assurance Based on Descriptive and Parsimonious Appearance Models
J. B. Nielsen, E. R. Eiriksson, R. L. Kristensen, J. Wilm, J. R. Frisvad, K. Conradsen, and H. Aanæs
Geometric Accuracy Analysis of Stationary BTF Gonioreflectometers
V. Havran
Identifying Diffraction Effects in Measured Reflectances
N. Holzschuch and R. Pacanowski
A Short Survey on Optical Material Recognition
M. Weinmann and R. Klein

Recent Submissions

  • Identifying Diffraction Effects in Measured Reflectances 

    Holzschuch, N.; Pacanowski, R. (The Eurographics Association, 2015)
    There are two different physical models connecting the micro-geometry of a surface and its physical reflectance properties (BRDF). The first, Cook-Torrance, assumes geometrical optics: light is reflected and masked by the ...
  • A Short Survey on Optical Material Recognition 

    Weinmann, M.; Klein, R. (The Eurographics Association, 2015)
    The complexity of visual material appearance as observed in the huge variation in material appearance under different viewing and illumination conditions makes material recognition a highly challenging task. In the scope ...
  • Geometric Accuracy Analysis of Stationary BTF Gonioreflectometers 

    Havran, V. (The Eurographics Association, 2015)
    The accurate BTF data representation requires specialized measurement gantries, some of them designed as gonireflectometers. These consist of an illumination source and a camera mounted on two robotic arms, one degree of ...
  • Linear Models for Material BTFs and Possible Applications 

    Brok, D. den; Weinmann, M.; Klein, R. (The Eurographics Association, 2015)
    Due to the richness of real-world materials, arguably one of the biggest challenges in rendering is to come up with models that describe their appearance well. The image-based bidirectional texture function (BTF) is known ...
  • Quality Assurance Based on Descriptive and Parsimonious Appearance Models 

    Nielsen, J. B.; Eiriksson, E. R.; Kristensen, R. L.; Wilm, J.; Frisvad, J. R.; Conradsen, K.; Aanæs, H. (The Eurographics Association, 2015)
    In this positional paper, we discuss the potential benefits of using appearance models in additive manufacturing, metal casting, wind turbine blade production, and 3D content acquisition. Current state of the art in ...
  • In Praise of an Alternative BRDF Parametrization 

    Barla, P.; Belcour, L.; Pacanowski, R. (The Eurographics Association, 2015)
    In this paper, we extend the work of Neumann et al. [NNSK99] and Stark et al. [SAS05] to a pair of 4D BRDF parameterizations with explicit changes of variables. We detail their mathematical properties and relationships to ...
  • Proposal for an Appearance Exchange Format 

    Mueller, Gero; Lamy, Francis (The Eurographics Association, 2015)
    In this short paper X-Rite proposes a new file format for exchanging digital material appearance. The format is a vital part of X-Rite's appearance initiative consisting of a new generation of appearance capturing devices ...
  • The Material Definition Language 

    Kettner, L.; Raab, M.; Seibert, D.; Jordan, J.; Keller, A. (The Eurographics Association, 2015)
    We introduce the physically-based Material Definition Language (MDL). Based on the principle of strictly separating material definition and rendering algorithms, each MDL material is applicable across different rendering ...
  • Frontmatter: Eurographics 2015 Workshop on Material Appearance Modeling 

    Klein, Reinhard; Rushmeier, Holly (The Eurographics Association, 2015)