Expressive 2015

Joint Symposium of
Computational Aesthetics (CAe)
Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering (NPAR)
Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling (SBIM)

Istanbul, Turkey | June 2015

Rendering and Modeling
Rendering Artistic Light Patterns
Li Ji, Amy Gooch, Lynda Gammon, and Brian Wyvill
Inverse Toon Shading: Interactive Normal Field Modeling with Isophotes
Qiuying Xu, Yotam Gingold, and Karan Singh
Adding Dynamics to Sketch-based Character Animations
Martin Guay, Rémi Ronfard, Michael Gleicher, and Marie-Paule Cani
Computational Models for the Analysis and Synthesis of Graffiti Tag Strokes
Daniel Berio and Frederic Fol Leymarie
ShipShape: A Drawing Beautification Assistant
Jakub Fišer, Paul Asente, and Daniel Sýkora
Real-Time Activity Prediction: A Gaze-Based Approach for Early Recognition of Pen-Based Interaction Tasks
Çagla Çıg and Tevfik Metin Sezgin
Style-aware Robust Color Transfer
Hristina Hristova, Olivier Le Meur, Rémi Cozot, and Kadi Bouatouch
Hybrid-Space Localized Stylization Method for View-Dependent Lines Extracted from 3D Models
Luis Cardona and Suguru Saito
Semi-Automatic Digital Epigraphy from Images with Normals
Sema Berkiten, Xinyi Fan, and Szymon Rusinkiewicz
Drawing Characteristics for Reproducing Traditional Hand-Made Stippling
Domingo Martín, Vicente del Sol, Celia Romo, and Tobias Isenberg
SVM-based Sketch Recognition: Which Hyperparameter Interval to Try?
Kemal Tugrul Yesilbek, Cansu Sen, Serike Cakmak, and T. Metin Sezgin
A Combined Junction-Cue Dictionary for Labelling Sketch Drawings with Artistic Shadows and Table-line Cues
Alexandra Bonnici and Kenneth P. Camilleri
Working with Images
Image Warping for a Painterly Effect
Jiayu Li and David Mould
Shake it up - Image Decomposition and Rearrangements of Its Constituents
Lena Gieseke, Sven Klingel, and Martin Fuchs
Image Stylization by Oil Paint Filtering using Color Palettes
Amir Semmo, Daniel Limberger, Jan Eric Kyprianidis, and Jürgen Döllner
Non-Photorealistic Rendering of Portraits
Paul L. Rosin and Yu-Kun Lai
Painting with Flowsnakes
Brian Wyvill
Texture-Aware ASCII Art Synthesis with Proportional Fonts
Xuemiao Xu, Linyuan Zhong, Minshan Xie, Jing Qin, Yilan Chen, Qiang Jin, Tien-Tsin Wong, and Guoqiang Han
Video Granular Synthesis
Angus Graeme Forbes and Javier Villegas
The Markov Pen: Online Synthesis of Free-Hand Drawing Styles
Katrin Lang and Marc Alexa

Recent Submissions

  • The Markov Pen: Online Synthesis of Free-Hand Drawing Styles 

    Lang, Katrin; Alexa, Marc (The Eurographics Association, 2015)
    Learning expressive curve styles from example is crucial for interactive or computer-based narrative illustrations. We propose a method for online synthesis of free-hand drawing styles along arbitrary base paths by means ...
  • Texture-Aware ASCII Art Synthesis with Proportional Fonts 

    Xu, Xuemiao; Zhong, Linyuan; Xie, Minshan; Qin, Jing; Chen, Yilan; Jin, Qiang; Wong, Tien-Tsin; Han, Guoqiang (The Eurographics Association, 2015)
    We present a fast structure-based ASCII art generation method that accepts arbitrary images (real photograph or hand-drawing) as input. Our method supports not only fixed width fonts, but also the visually more pleasant ...
  • Drawing Characteristics for Reproducing Traditional Hand-Made Stippling 

    Martín, Domingo; Sol, Vicente del; Romo, Celia; Isenberg, Tobias (The Eurographics Association, 2015)
    We contribute an in-depth analysis of the characteristics of traditional stippling and relate these to common practices in NPAR stippling techniques as well as to the abilities and limitations of existing printing and ...
  • Semi-Automatic Digital Epigraphy from Images with Normals 

    Berkiten, Sema; Fan, Xinyi; Rusinkiewicz, Szymon (The Eurographics Association, 2015)
    We present a semi-automated system for converting photometric datasets (RGB images with normals) into geometry-aware non-photorealistic illustrations that obey the common conventions of epigraphy (black-and-white archaeological ...
  • Hybrid-Space Localized Stylization Method for View-Dependent Lines Extracted from 3D Models 

    Cardona, Luis; Saito, Suguru (The Eurographics Association, 2015)
    We propose a localized stylization method that combines object-space and image-space techniques to locally styl- ize view-dependent lines extracted from 3D models. In the input phase, the user can customize a style and ...