Now showing items 1-10 of 19
Comparing 3D digitising technologies: where are the differences?
(The Eurographics Association, 2013)
We tested five 3D digitization systems and one method of 2D+ recording on one object: a human skull from the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences collection (RBINS). We chose a skull because it has both simple and ...
Orthophoto mapping and digital surface modeling for archaeological excavations. An image-based 3D modeling approach
(The Eurographics Association, 2013)
We have examined image-based 3D modeling for the generation of orthophotos and digital surface models of archaeological surfaces and features. Our results suggest that image-based 3D modeling can be both a time-efficient ...
On the 3D Documentation of the Igel Column Original and Copy. Structured 3D Survey and Analytical 3D Information System
(The Eurographics Association, 2013)
The Igel Column, 23 m high, is one of the best known Roman column monuments in Germany and is part of the UNESCO World Heritage 'Roman Structures, Cathedral and Church of Our Lady' in Trier. The list also includes a ...
Design and implement a reality-based 3D digitisation and modelling project
(The Eurographics Association, 2013)
3D digitisation denotes the process of describing parts of our physical world through finite measurements and representations that can be processed and visualised with a compute r system. Reality-based 3D digiti sation is ...
Realistic Virtual Reproductions. Image-based modelling of geometry and appearance
(The Eurographics Association, 2013)
Existing technologies for contact-less 3D scanning and Image Based Modelling (IBM) methods are being extensively used nowadays to digitize cultural heritage elements. With a convenient degree of automation these methods ...
Monitoring and conservation of archaeological wooden elements from ship wrecks using 3D digital imaging
(The Eurographics Association, 2013)
In marine archaeology, many artifacts made of metallic or organic material are found in different state of conservation depending of the environment in which they are discovered. Once brought to the surface for study or ...
3D documentation and monitoring of the experimental cleaning operations in the underwater archaeological site of Baia (Italy)
(The Eurographics Association, 2013)
The CoMAS project aims to develop new methodologies and tools for the restoration and conservation of submerged archaeological artefacts. One of the project goals is to study the cleaning operations that are intended to ...
Multi-scalar 3D digitization of Cultural Heritage using a low-cost integrated approach
(The Eurographics Association, 2013)
In the architectural survey field, one of the main aspects to consider during a 3D digitization is the multi-scalar geometrical complexity of the artifact to acquire, besides other fundamental factors connected with the ...
Cutting-edge technologies for the survey and documentation of cultural heritage: the case study of the architectural-archaeological area of Aruch in Armenia
(The Eurographics Association, 2013)
One of the most important finalities of survey is the architecture's comprehension. To the end of cultural heritage conservation, it is furthermore necessary to communicate the acquired knowledge. In the recent years, this ...
Replicating perishable artefacts. A project for analysis and exhibition of Early Medieval objects from the Byzantine village at Scorpo (Supersano, Italy)
(The Eurographics Association, 2013)
Artefacts found in an archaeological excavation are sometimes made of perishable or fragile material like wood, iron, or leather. These present obvious conservation problems. This is the case of various artefacts from the ...