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Principles and Practices of Robust, Photography-based Digital Imaging Techniques for Museums
(The Eurographics Association, 2010)This full day tutorial will use lectures and demonstrations from leading researchers and museum practitioners to present the principles and practices for robust photography-based digital techniques in museum contexts. The ... -
Five Years After: The London Charter Revisited
(The Eurographics Association, 2010)The present paper proposes to add some principles to the London Charter, a Charter concerning the use of 3D visualization for Cultural Heritage. The proposed new principles aim at guaranteeing the presence of documentation ... -
ICT in Japanese Museums: a Strategic and Contextual Survey
(The Eurographics Association, 2010)Information and Communication Technology (ICT) applications have become increasingly widespread, driven by the increasing demands of visitors for more tools for interpretation and entertainment and the need of heritage ... -
DC-NET: The Establishment of the Digital Cultural Heritage Network
(The Eurographics Association, 2010)Core concern of the DC-NET project is to develop and to strengthen the coordination of public research programmes in the sector of Digital Cultural Heritage across Europe and to raise awareness of the possibilities offered ... -
PLUG, Université Paris Nuit: A Design Reiteration of a Mobile Museum Edutainment Application
(The Eurographics Association, 2010)What is the potential of mobile edutainment applications introduced in the informal learning environment of the museum setting? This short paper proposes to shed light on this issue by presenting a design reiteration of a ... -
Surveying Hypogeous Structures: the Case Study of Santa Maria in Stelle in Valpantena
(The Eurographics Association, 2010)The hypogeous complex of Santa Maria in Stelle, known on-site as "Pantheon" and located under the parish church of Quinto in Valpantena, (Verona, Italy), is considered by scholars one of the most interesting paleochristian ... -
ViSMan-DHER: a Virtual Archaeology Application for Visualization and Management of Archaeological Data Related to ancient Herculaneum (NA), Italy
(The Eurographics Association, 2010)This work aims at presenting a case-study application of ViSMan (Visual Scenarios Manager), an opensource framework developed at Cineca for visualization and interaction with virtual scientific models connected to digital ... -
Architectural 3D Modeling for a 3D GIS Web-Based System
(The Eurographics Association, 2010)We describes a 3D GIS system entirely founded on Google Earth (GE), designed to make available on this platform high-quality 3D models of one of the architect Andrea Palladio, conceived as a metaphor for navigating through ... -
Automation in Multi-Image Spherical Photogrammetry for 3D Architectural Reconstructions
(The Eurographics Association, 2010)The derivation of 3D metric information from spherical images for interactive exploration and realistic 3D modeling is receiving great attention due to their high-resolution content, large field-of-view, lowcost, easiness, ... -
Dense Point Cloud Acquisition via Stereo Matching Applied to: the Kilwa Archaeological Site and the Gallo-Roman Theatre of Mandeure
(The Eurographics Association, 2010)In this paper, we present a methodology for Dense Stereo Matching (DStM) acquisition and processing. Two main applications are detailed. In our application sites, many constraints led us to choose DStM. In the archaeological ... -
3D-Digitization of the ''Wild Goat'' Vases
(The Eurographics Association, 2010)The wild-goat vases are a style of Greek vases that have been crafted between the 7th and 6th century BC. The 3D-digitization of these vases has been ongoing at the C2RMF for a few years now. Different scanning techniques ... -
Extending Physical Collections Into the Virtual Space of a Digital Dome
(The Eurographics Association, 2010)The Earth Theater at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History (Carnegie MNH) in Pittsburgh is an all-digital partial dome display, an immersive theater. Our current offerings include an Egyptian temple, a virtual dinosaur ... -
Snapshot Augmented Reality - Augmented Photography
(The Eurographics Association, 2010)With the current generation of smartphones augmented reality (AR) finally gets in the hands of end users. This is a giant leap for cultural heritage presentation. But due to software and hardware limitations of consumer ... -
3D Digitizing and Visualizing a Prehistoric Portable Art Object: a 12,000 Years Old "Bâton Percé"
(The Eurographics Association, 2010)In this paper, we present some results on 3D digitizing and visualizing a prehistoric portable art object. This 12,000 years old artifact was scanned with a surface scanner and with two volume scanners. With this last ... -
Exploring Contemporary Painting through Spatial Annotations Using RFID Tags
(The Eurographics Association, 2010)One of the least explored RFID application-domains concerns the areas of entertainment and culture. This paper proposes a mobile application -conceived for and with a contemporary artist- allowing the spatial annotation ... -
3D Reconstruction of Archaeological Sites Using Photogrammetry
(The Eurographics Association, 2010)The 3D reconstructionof an archaeological site is a difficult task, taking into account the available documentation. Our team, supported by the TGE Adonis, is specialized in 3D reconstruction and conservation of 3D data. ... -
Virtual Reality for the Exploitation of Houses and Historical Gardens - The Example of Villa Arconati
(The Eurographics Association, 2010)The virtualisation project of Villa Arconati is part of the process involved in organising the aristocratic houses north of Milan. The project aims to test the use of virtual reality as an instrument of exploitation and ... -
3D Pipeline from Data Acquisition to Data Visualization of the Hellenistic-Roman Theatre of Paphos
(The Eurographics Association, 2010)In this paper is described the fusion of two different technologies for the three dimensional acquisition of the Hellenistic-Roman Theatre of Paphos located at the island of Cyprus. A laser scanner and an innovative device ... -
Graph-based 3D Visualization of Color Content in Paintings
(The Eurographics Association, 2010)Visualization of the color content of a painting can help to better understand the style, compositional structure and material content. There are several ways to visualize colorimetric data from a color image. One option ... -
Le Corbusier in Bogota 1947-1951: Designing a VR Experience
(The Eurographics Association, 2010)"Le Corbusier en Bogotá: 1947-1951" is a public exhibition that is being held in two different Museums in Bogota, and celebrates the work of this great architect in planning the urban area of the city. We have developed a ...