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dc.contributor.authorOhrhallinger, S.en_US
dc.contributor.authorWimmer, M.en_US
dc.contributor.editorChen, Min and Benes, Bedrichen_US
dc.description.abstractWe propose a parameter‐free method to recover manifold connectivity in unstructured 2D point clouds with high noise in terms of the local feature size. This enables us to capture the features which emerge out of the noise. To achieve this, we extend the reconstruction algorithm , which connects samples to two (noise‐free) neighbours and has been proven to output a manifold for a relaxed sampling condition. Applying this condition to noisy samples by projecting their ‐nearest neighbourhoods onto local circular fits leads to multiple candidate neighbour pairs and thus makes connecting them consistently an NP‐hard problem. To solve this efficiently, we design an algorithm that searches that solution space iteratively on different scales of . It achieves linear time complexity in terms of point count plus quadratic time in the size of noise clusters. Our algorithm extends seamlessly to connect both samples with and without noise, performs as local as the recovered features and can output multiple open or closed piecewise curves. Incidentally, our method simplifies the output geometry by eliminating all but a representative point from noisy clusters. Since local neighbourhood fits overlap consistently, the resulting connectivity represents an ordering of the samples along a manifold. This permits us to simply blend the local fits for denoising with the locally estimated noise extent. Aside from applications like reconstructing silhouettes of noisy sensed data, this lays important groundwork to improve surface reconstruction in 3D. Our open‐source algorithm is available online.We propose a parameter‐free method to recover manifold connectivity in unstructured 2D point clouds with high noise in terms of the local feature size. This enables us to capture the features which emerge out of the noise. To achieve this, we extend the reconstruction algorithm , which connects samples to two (noise‐free) neighbours and has been proven to output a manifold for a relaxed sampling condition. Applying this condition to noisy samples by projecting their ‐nearest neighbourhoods onto local circular fits leads to multiple candidate neighbour pairs and thus makes connecting them consistently an NP‐hard problem. To solve this efficiently, we design an algorithm that searches that solution space iteratively on different scales of . It achieves linear time complexity in terms of point count plus quadratic time in the size of noise clusters.en_US
dc.publisher© 2019 The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.en_US
dc.subjectcurves & surfaces
dc.subjectpoint‐based methods
dc.subjectsurface reconstruction
dc.subjectI.3.3 [Computer Graphics]: Picture/Image Generation—Line and curve generation
dc.titleFitConnect: Connecting Noisy 2D Samples by Fitted Neighbourhoodsen_US
dc.description.seriesinformationComputer Graphics Forum

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