Now showing items 7237-7256 of 17315

    • ICAT-EGVE 2023 - International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence and Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments 

      Jean-Marie Normand; Maki Sugimoto; Veronica Sundstedt (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    • ICG based Augmented-Reality-System for Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy 

      Noll, Matthias; Noa-Rudolph, Werner; Wesarg, Stefan; Kraly, Michael; Stoffels, Ingo; Klode, Joachim; Spass, Cédric; Spass, Gerrit (The Eurographics Association, 2018)
      In this paper we introduce a novel augmented-reality (AR) system for the sentinel lymph node (SLN) biopsy. The AR system consists of a cubic recording device with integrated stereo near-infrared (NIR) and stereo color ...
    • iCheat: A Representation for Artistic Control of Indirect Cinematic Lighting 

      Obert, Juraj; Krivanek, Jaroslav; Pellacini, Fabio; Sykora, Daniel; Pattanaik, Sumanta (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2008)
      Thanks to an increase in rendering efficiency, indirect illumination has recently begun to be integrated in cinematic lighting design, an application where physical accuracy is less important than careful control of scene ...
    • ICL Multispectral Light Stage: Building a Versatile LED Sphere with Off-the-shelf Components 

      Kampouris, Christos; Ghosh, Abhijeet (The Eurographics Association, 2018)
      We describe the design and implementation of a versatile multispectral light stage (LED sphere) consisting of 168 RGB and color temperature controllable white (W+) lamps, respectively. The light stage is powered with two ...
    • iClay: Digitizing Cuneiform 

      Cohen, Jonathan; Duncan, Donald; Snyder, Dean; Cooper, Jerrold; Kumar, Subodh; Hahn, Daniel; Chen, Yuan; Purnomo, Budirijanto; Graettinger, John (The Eurographics Association, 2004)
      Advances in digital technology for the graphic and textual representation of manuscripts have not, until recently, been applied to the world's oldest manuscripts, cuneiform tablets. This is due in large part both to the ...
    • The iCoCooN: Integration of Cobweb Charts with Parallel Coordinates for Visual Analysis of DCE-MRI Modeling Variations 

      Raidou, Renata G.; Breeuwer, Marcel; Vilanova, Anna; Heide, U. A. van der; Houdt, P. J. van (The Eurographics Association, 2014)
      Efficacy of radiotherapy treatment depends on the specific characteristics of tumorous tissues. For the determination of these characteristics, clinical practice uses Dynamic Contrast Enhanced (DCE) Magnetic Resonance ...
    • Icon Set Selection via Human Computation 

      Laursen, Lasse Farnung; Koyama, Yuki; Chen, Hsiang-Ting; Garces, Elena; Gutierrez, Diego; Harper, Richard; Igarashi, Takeo (The Eurographics Association, 2016)
      Picking the best icons for a graphical user interface is difficult. We present a new method which, given several icon candidates representing functionality, selects a complete icon set optimized for comprehensibility and ...
    • An Icon User Interface For Geometric Modelling 

      Teixeira, José Carlos; Rix, Joachim (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
      The User Interface plays a very important role in the geometric modelling systems. Different approaches have been developed in the last years, with and without the use of graphic images. As the sight is the most important ...
    • Icosahedral Maps for a Multiresolution Representation of Earth Data 

      Jubair, Mohammad Imrul; Alim, Usman; Röber, Niklas; Clyne, John; Mahdavi-Amiri, Ali (The Eurographics Association, 2016)
      The icosahedral non-hydrostatic (ICON) model is a digital Earth model based on an icosahedral representation and used for numerical weather prediction. In this paper, we introduce icosahedral maps that are designed to fit ...
    • ICT in Japanese Museums: a Strategic and Contextual Survey 

      Carillo, Erminia; Kadobayashi, Rieko; Kaminski, Jaime; Rodriguez-Echavarria, Karina; Arnold, David (The Eurographics Association, 2010)
      Information and Communication Technology (ICT) applications have become increasingly widespread, driven by the increasing demands of visitors for more tools for interpretation and entertainment and the need of heritage ...
    • ICT Investment Considerations and their Influence on the Socio-Economic Impact of Heritage Sites 

      McLoughlin, Jim; Kaminski, Jaime; Sodagar, Babak (The Eurographics Association, 2006)
      The following methodological model can be used as a platform for the study of the impact of information and communications technologies (ICT) at cultural heritage sites. The model has been developed through extensive, ...
    • ID-Based Rendering of Silhouettes on GPU 

      Diktas, Engin Deniz; Sahiner, Ali Vahit (The Eurographics Association, 2010)
      When rendering object-silhouettes preprocessing is generally done primarily on the CPU. To this end primitive normals must be made consistent and the silhouette-edges need to be extracted every time the view-point is ...
    • IDECAP Interactive Pictorial Information System for Demographic and Environmental Planning Applications 

      van den Bos, J.; van Naelten, M.; Teunissen, W. (Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1984)
      IDECAP is a database type information system. It is different from regular database systems as the information is mainly presented via thematic maps displayed on a graphics screen. Retrieval of information is usually ...
    • Identificação de Objetos em Imagens Tomográficas através de GPGPUs 

      Preto, Bruno; Birra, Fernando; Medeiros, Pedro (The Eurographics Association, 2021)
      Neste artigo encontra-se a implementação e a avaliação de um novo algoritmo híbrido (CPU-GPU) para a identificação de estruturas conexas em volumes de dados tridimensionais. Este algoritmo explora o paralelismo tanto ao ...
    • Identificação e reconstrução 3D de objectos numa malha urbana através de nuvens de pontos georeferenciados 

      Garcia, Rodrigo; Farracha, Mauro; Dionisio, José; Bernardino, Alexandre; Costeira, João (The Eurographics Association, 2021)
      Este artigo descreve algumas técnicas utilizadas no âmbito da detecção e reconstrução tridimensional de objectos numa malha urbana através de uma nuvem de pontos georeferenciados. Os dados de entrada foram obtidos através ...
    • Identification of Dynamic Mass Spring Parameters for Deformable Body Simulation 

      Lloyd, Bryn; Kirac, S.; Szekely, Gabor; Harders, Matthias (The Eurographics Association, 2008)
      Mass spring systems (MSS) are frequently used to simulate deformable objects because of their conceptual sim- plicity and computational speed. Unfortunately, the model parameters (spring coefficients, masses) are not related ...
    • Identifying and Visualizing Terrestrial Magnetospheric Topology using Geodesic Level Set Method 

      Xiong, Peikun; Fujita, Shigeru; Watanabe, Masakazu; Tanaka, Takashi; Cai, Dongsheng (© 2024 Eurographics ‐ The European Association for Computer Graphics and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2024)
      This study introduces a novel numerical method for identifying and visualizing the terrestrial magnetic field topology in a large‐scale three‐dimensional global MHD (Magneto‐Hydro‐Dynamic) simulation. The (un)stable ...
    • Identifying Cluttering Edges in Near-Planar Graphs 

      Wageningen, Simon van; Mchedlidze, Tamara; Telea, Alexandru (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
      Planar drawings of graphs tend to be favored over non-planar drawings. Testing planarity and creating a planar layout of a planar graph can be done in linear time. However, creating readable drawings of nearly planar graphs ...
    • Identifying Diffraction Effects in Measured Reflectances 

      Holzschuch, N.; Pacanowski, R. (The Eurographics Association, 2015)
      There are two different physical models connecting the micro-geometry of a surface and its physical reflectance properties (BRDF). The first, Cook-Torrance, assumes geometrical optics: light is reflected and masked by the ...