Browsing by Title
Now showing items 9033-9052 of 17315
M-Buffer: A Flexible MISD Architecture for AdvancedGraphics
(The Eurographics Association, 1992)Contemporary graphics architectures are based on a hardware-supported geometric pipeline, a rasterizer, a z-buffer and two frame buffers. Additional pixel memory isused for alpha blending and for storing logical information. ... -
m-LOMA - a Mobile 3D Portal to Location-based Information
(The Eurographics Association, 2006)We present a novel application, a mobile 3D city map, with a capability to render dozens of textured buildings at interactive rates in desktop machines, PDA devices and mart phones. The system allows annotation of the ... -
m-Tourism 2.0 os sistemas integrados de multiagentes para apoio à informação e comunicação no turismo
(The Eurographics Association, 2021)A convergência tecnológica, nas mais variadas áreas e actividades, tem contribuído para o despertar de áreas de investigação e desenvolvimento num número de esferas científicas e económicas cada vez mais abrangentes e ... -
MAAIP: Multi-Agent Adversarial Interaction Priors for imitation from fighting demonstrations for physics-based characters
(ACM Association for Computing Machinery, 2023)Simulating realistic interaction and motions for physics-based characters is of great interest for interactive applications, and automatic secondary character animation in the movie and video game industries. Recent works ... -
Mach-RT: A Many Chip Architecture for Ray Tracing
(The Eurographics Association, 2019)We propose an unconventional solution to high-performance ray tracing that combines a ray ordering scheme that minimizes access to the scene data with a large on-chip buffer acting as near-compute storage that is spread ... -
Machine Learning For Plausible Gesture Generation From Speech For Virtual Humans
(Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin, 2021-08-03)The growing use of virtual humans in an array of applications such as games, human-computer interfaces, and virtual reality demands the design of appealing and engaging characters, while minimizing the cost and time of ... -
Machine Learning Methods in Visualisation for Big Data 2018: Frontmatter
(The Eurographics Association, 2018) -
Machine Learning Supported Interactive Visualization of Hybrid 3D and 2D Data for the Example of Plant Cell Lineage Specification
(2023)As computer graphics technologies develop, spatial data can be better visualized in the 3D environment so that viewers can observe 3D shapes and positions clearly. Meanwhile, 2D abstract visualizations can present summarized ... -
Machine Learning-Based Autotuning for Parallel Particle Advection
(The Eurographics Association, 2021)Data-parallel particle advection algorithms contain multiple controls that affect their execution characteristics and performance, in particular how often to communicate and how much work to perform between communications. ... -
The Macro-Regions: An Efficient Space Subdivision Structure for Ray Tracing
(Eurographics Association, 1989)Ray tracing is the usual image synthesis technique which allows rendering of specular effects. The use of space subdivision for ray tracing optimization is studied. A new method of subdivision is proposed : the macro-regions. ... -
A Macroblock Optimization for Grid-based Nonlinear Elasticity
(The Eurographics Association, 2016)We introduce a new numerical approach for the solution of grid-based discretizations of nonlinear elastic models. Our method targets the linearized system of equations within each iteration of the Newton method, and combines ... -
The MADE Help System
(Blackwell Science Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1995)MADE is the acronym for the ESPRIT project 6307, whose aim is to develop an object oriented multimedia application development environment. As part of this project the MADE help system is designed to be a distributed ... -
MAESTRO - a tool for interactive assembly simulation in virtual environments
(The Eurographics Association, 2001)We introduce MAESTRO, a Virtual Reality based assembly simulation tool that comprises physically-based modeling, haptic feedback and artificial support mechanisms. The focus of this paper is on the developed support ... -
Magic in Augmented Reality
(The Eurographics Association, 2006)In this paper we suggest a new approach for playing the "Magic The Gathering" game. This approach allows the user to perform a set of game moves within this popular card game using a Tangible Augmented Reality (AR) ... -
Magical Mirrors
(The Eurographics Association, 2006)This article describes the multi-media art installation MAGICAL MIRRORS with which the tradition of the mirror, as a medium of visual simulation, is carried over into the world of digital mediums. As theoretical framework, ... -
Magicsphere: an insight tool for 3D data visualization
(Blackwell Science Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1994)How to render very complex datasets, and yet maintain interactive response times, is a hot topic in computer graphics. The MagicSphere idea originated as a solution to this problem, but its potential goes much further than ... -
Magnetic Curves: Curvature-Controlled Aesthetic Curves Using Magnetic Fields
(The Eurographics Association, 2009)We describe 'magnetic curves', a particle-tracing method that creates curves with constantly changing curvature. It is well known that charged particles in a constant magnetic field trace out circular or helical trajectories. ... -
Magnetic Flux Topology of 2D Point Dipoles
(The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2012)Magnetic fields exhibit higher-order, nonlinear singularities in the form of point-dipole singularities. In addition, due to absence of divergence, they feature only a subset of invariant structures from traditional vector ... -
Magnetism and Minimal Surfaces -- a Different Tool for Surface Design
(The Eurographics Association, 2007)The design of free form surfaces is usually based on NURBS and it works well to quickly get shapes that a designer intends to create. Such surfaces then have desired properties like given border lines and C1 or C2 continuity ... -
Mail Explorer - Spatial and Temporal Exploration of Electronic Mail
(The Eurographics Association, 2005)In today s world, e-mail has become one of the most important means of communication in business and private lives due to its efficiency. However, the problems start as soon as mail volumes go beyond the scope of human ...