Introduction to VRML 97

This CD-ROM folder contains the tutorial notes for the Introduction to VRML 97 tutorial. The following files are included here:

This ReadMe file.

The printable tutorial notes.

This PDF file provides an easy way of printing the full 500+ pages of the tutorial notes. For on-line reading, however, it is recommended that you instead install the archives below.

The on-line tutorial notes.

These archive files each contain a copy of the full 500+ pages of the tutorial notes plus all of the VRML examples and their associated images, sounds, and program scripts. To use these files you must expand an archive on to your hard disk.

All three archives contain the same files, but formatted to use the text file line-end convention appropriate for Macintosh, PC, or UNIX systems.

Macintosh users:

Using StuffIt, or an equivalent application, expand the vrml97.sit StuffIt archive on to your hard disk.

PC users:

Using pkzip, WinZip, or an equivalent application, expand the ZIP archive on to your hard disk.

UNIX users:

Using tar, or an equivalent application, expand the vrml97.tar TAR archive on to your hard disk.

You will need approximately 12 Mbytes for the expanded files. Each of the archives will expand to create a vrml97 folder in which the remainder of the files are located. To view the tutorial notes and examples, use your Web browser to open the file vrml97.htm in the vrml97 folder. All further files are hyperlinked from this one starting point.